360 Reactions: Torres rumours

Welcome to another edition of 360 reactions. This is a series where I talk about and give my opinion on rumours. Our latest subject involves the rumour of Torres back to his old club, Atletico.

Torres celebration vs Gala

What’s new on the news for Torres?
Well, the latest is he is once again linked to return to his old club, Atletico, in the summer, so that Chelsea can make way for a striker signing coming this summer. This is not the first time he has been linked back to his old club.

What can happen from this deal?
Well, Costa has been linked with Chelsea this season. The striker has been on fire this season for Atletico, scoring goals and is currently the 3rd top goalscorer in Champions league. Torres has been out of form since he joined the club and he has never been able to repay the 50 million that was spent to bring him to the club. Selling Torres to Atletico could involve a deal of 20 million + Torres for Costa.

How can this benefit us?
Torres has been finding it hard to hit the back of the net this season, his performance is bad compared to last season (although he played more games). Eto’o has already hit double figures this season and is most of the time picked ahead of Torres. His wages are high and selling him now could give benefits, rather than waiting for his contract to finish.


The Road Ahead for Fernando Torres

He scores when his team needs him the most. That’s been his trait ever since he joined the club. He was the one that won the corner from which we equalized against Bayern in the UCL final in 2012. He scored against Benefica last year in Europa league final.

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What’s your say on these rumours? Feedback is appreciated.


16 thoughts on “360 Reactions: Torres rumours

  1. Anonymous

    let him go for free… he is a waste , and waste is thrown out not kept.

    • Anonymous

      Its a bigger waste for us if we don’t recoup any of the money we wasted on him

    • lollllllllll. agree

  2. torres is supa star.jst because he has alot of injuries but yov can he plays well in important matches.i want him at chelsea

  3. Neri Abayomi

    Fernando Torres, whatever we might call him on this forum; a waste, a failure, a misinvestment, all of those don’t matter. El Nino has paid his dues in the world of football and he deserves to win everything and more, A world cup winner, 2 times european cup winner, UCL and EL winner, FA Cup winner and probably add the EPL to his collection.

    El Nino’s stay @ Stamford has been a success, regardless of how much he has declined. He is no Chelsea Legend but like it or not Torres succeeded @ Chelsea.

    • Well said Nero! How many people remembered that King Drogba didn’t score up to 10 goals the entire 2011/12 season! He scored when it mattered and in that regard at recent ocassions Torres hasn’t been that bad! Love or hate him the 50million pounds the clud has recupurated. Are you aware the his jersey is the highest sold by ChelseaFC. The club is making money of him and I’m happy for him and the club!

  4. torres has paid his dues,though he didnt justify the hefty price tag,but he scored some important goals 4 us.i believe it is time 4 him 2 leave cfc.i dont want him 2 be a bad example 2 our youngsters.it is time 4 a change.we need costa…!!!.

  5. I think Blue tolerate him for long time by exchanging different managers but none of them make him better. His confidence dropped greately, he is out of position while z ball is in goal area. He misses z unmissed chance. Game is not killed timely as a result difficult to give playing time to bench players. This give z opponent team to be strong & to score and win us. We don’t get a striker service like other big clubs. Z club also lost so many throphies b/c of this. Enough is enough! To me it is good for him to go … B/c of him we lost best strikers like Agero he is strongly linked with Cfc before joining City.

  6. people calling him a waste do not have a bit of respect to football World.
    one fellow chelsea has so much of hate for him he commented :
    “let him go for free… he is a waste ,
    and waste is thrown out not kept.”
    my question is why so much of hate towards him?
    he has helped in every possible way he could while he is playing. sometimes its high and sometimes its low. That’s everybodys life. had not chelsea signed him how many trophies we would have win? 1,2,3. or more? no we won 3 trophies during his spell at chelsea and that too were precious to us.thats is enough for us for 3 seasons. we are not like bayern munich we are winning every trophies that comes ahead of them. our mangers changed so there were turbulants and instability in the club. we let go our legends go we could not have expected more as well.so we should be enjoying what we have achieved so far since he joined chelsea.
    we enjoyed every goals he scored.
    and kept faith on him but he could not justify his price.
    if u suffer from a serious disease and you are not able to recover from it for a long time then your parents never give up on you…they are always by ur side even if you are doomed to every possible way. likewise there is no question of hating him and not cheering him and not being behind him when he is not in form . he is our player after all.
    regarding his price and all…if it had not been 50m he would have never joined us…its our owner money and his luxery he can use it on every possible way he wants.
    he is life long fan of atm. if the deal is right he should go. but until every seconds he is at The bridge he should be respected and treated well. and this applies not only to torres to every player of chelsea.

    • Agree with every word 👍😜

    • It baffles me the extent so-called ChelseaFc fans can go to vilify players at every bad turn they go! I’ll say Mikel is on break from they venom until, Mou “mistakenly” plays him for even 30secs, win or lose he will be hacked! Torres isn’t a flopped and will never be! Hate or love, that your headache not his! The owner’s money not yours. All thay you can do for yourself is watch with your eyes or listen with your ears.

  7. @sgrh men u are a real fan of cfc.i cant imagine the kind of environment some guys that use such a degrading word like ‘waste’ are coming from@sgrh men u are a real fan of cfc.i cant imagine the kind of environment some guys that use such a degrading word like ‘waste’ are coming from@sgrh men u are a real fan of cfc.i cant imagine the kind of environment some guys that use such a degrading word like ‘waste’ are coming from@sgrh men u are a real fan of cfc.i cant imagine the kind of environment some guys that use such a degrading word like ‘waste’ are coming from.

  8. Ashebir tsedeke

    People calling him a waste do not have a bit of respect to football World.

    One fellow chelsea has so much of hate for him he commented:-
    “let him go for free… he is a waste,
    and waste is thrown out not kept.”
    my question is why so much of hate towards him?
    he has helped in every possible way he could while he is playing. Sometimes its high and sometimes its low. That’s everybody’s life. Had not chelsea signed him how many trophies we would have win? 1, 2, 3, or more? our mangers changed so there were turbulent and instability in the club
    We enjoyed every goal he scored.
    And kept faith on him but he could not justify his price.
    if u suffer from a serious disease and you are not able to recover from it for a long time then your parents never give up on you…they are always by ur side even if you are doomed to every possible way.
    Likewise there is no question of hating him and not cheering him and not being behind him when he is not in form. He is our player after all.

    Regarding his price and all…if it had not been 50m he would have never joined us…it’s our owner money and his luxury he can use it on every possible way he wants.
    He is lifelong fan of atm. if the deal is right he should go. But until every second he is at The bridge he should be respected and treated well. And this applies not only to torres to every player of Chelsea.

    • Right now MATIC is the newest of toys and loved to a fault. Wait till he gets a stain and the same people singing his praise, will ask for his head on a platter.

  9. Well in my opinion getting Costa is a brilliant idea but then what’s the assurance that he will deliever? Cause English football is really quick! will he be able to catch up with the pace? Can he score goals against the De gea, Hart, Foaster and Scezny of this world cause to beat these goalies you have to be real quick cos technique don’t count much in England but your ability to make quick decisions infront of goal?! If Torres leaves for Spain he will perform cause the pace he’s adapted will combine his technique cos the league is just fast and not quick!? BA is been underrated and its not the best cause if he’s played alongside Hazard, Oscar, Willian and Schurrle I believe will pickup and score goals!? If Eto o decised to leave which is very possible if Chelsea lifts both EPL and UCL just then why not let BA stay with the Summer buy?! Cause you can’t let go of everyone for the new buy will need time to adapt?! JM and the board should look at things very closely

  10. When some great sorrow, like a mgtihy river, Flows through your life with peace-destroying power, And dearest things are swept from sight forever, Say to your heart each trying hour: “This, too, shall pass away.” When ceaseless toil has hushed your song of gladness, And you have grown almost too tired to pray, Let this truth banish from your heart its sadness, And ease the burdens of each trying day: “This, too, shall pass away.” When fortune smiles, and, full of mirth and pleasure, The days are flitting by without a care, Lest you should rest with only earthly treasure, Let these few words their fullest import bear: “This, too, shall pass away.” When earnest labor brings you fame and glory, And all earth’s noblest ones upon you smile, Remember that life’s longest, grandest story Fills but a moment in earth’s little while: “This, too, shall pass away.”

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