My Life, My Chelsea story – Part 1

Introduction –

My Life, My Chelsea story is a fictional series on a professional football player who supports Chelsea and is signed by them at the age of 19.
Graduated from La Masia, the world-famous football academy that is responsible for producing players like Messi, Xavi, Puyol, etc.

We follow Daniel Chester, a 19 year old Indian with German grandparents who moves from Barcelona B to Chelsea for 11 million pounds, making him the most expensive teenager. His life soon revolves on how he faces new challenges as he tries to adapt to the London weather and the Premier League style of play.

Part 1 is small but Part 2 will most definitely be longer !

Start of Part 1 –

“They won’t let us buy him” – bemoans Florentino Perez
“He is an exciting prospect. Why wouldn’t we want him?” says United boss
“Aiming towards the future and he is in our radar” – Di Matteo reveals
“We’ll try our best to keep him ! ” – Announces Barcelona President

Butterflies were most definitely playing hide and seek in my stomach.

I just stared at the ceiling, not knowing what to do as I waited for that one call.

I could hear the clock ticking, my pulse slowly rising and my eyes trying not to give in to sleep.

Then finally it beeped. ” 10 minutes, be there” . I shrugged all the newspapers and magazines away from the bed and onto the floor. The headlines still glaring at me, I picked up my wallet and watch and ran out the door.

As I went down the stairs, it loomed over my mind. Will it be possible? Me a professional footballer who plys his trade in Europe? All at the age of 19? I can’t be dreaming.

As I entered the coffee shop, I saw my agent sitting at the far corner. I meekly walked up-to him.

“Sit” he commanded without looking up from the paper. I pulled the chair and awaited further instructions as I wondered whether people could hear my heart pumping ferociously.

“Listen up then. 28 in total. Deadline date in 2 weeks. Take your time and no pressure. I had 58 in start but shortlisted the 28 whose options were suitable to your requirments. 58 in the red file , 28 in the blue one.”

I calmly picked up the blue one and opened.

I was greeted with a picture of myself and a short bio data. La Masia graduate of batch ’92. Played for Barcelona B for 2 years. 62 goals, 53 assists. Age 19. Place of Birth – India with German roots, educated in Qatar

I quickly turned to the next page.

Borrusia Dortmund. I was shaking with excitement. Money wasn’t the thing here. I needed a team that guaranteed me a first team position.

Barcelona’s renewed contract offer bumping me up to the first team.
Manchester City.
Manchester United.


Chelsea FC.

My heart skipped a beat. I was a Chelsea supporter since birth, thanks to my granddad who used to work in London in his days. The day he passed away, he made me promise to make sure my children supported Chelsea. He was a major influence in my life and since I was 6 years old, I never missed a Chelsea game.

It was just about everything I wanted. Every time I kicked a ball in the roads of Qatar and scored, it was an FA Cup Final goal. Doing a “Drogba” celebration was all I had in my mind. Not once did the thought cross that this could actually become true.

The conditions were simple. 55,000 pounds a week, 5 years plus a loyalty bonus. Most importantly though, First Team Player.

I haven never received a first team role. At Barcelona I played in a few Champions League matches and in the final, thanks to suspensions. I got to score the winning goal against City and now I find myself propelled to stardom.

I looked up and caught the eye of my agent. ” Made up your mind already I guess? Sleep on it, you can sign it tomorrow. We can fly to London then and get that press conference done before their friendly against Milan.”

I got up and left. It was a huge decision to make but I was sure that signing on it was the correct one. I didn’t know what can happen next but if this is how it pans out, then be it.

Sherry Philips (@bluebloodSherry), Deputy Editor

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20 thoughts on “My Life, My Chelsea story – Part 1

  1. Anonymous

    Seems like its JUAN MATA's history. is it??

  2. Anonymous

    Seems like its JUAN MATA's history. is it??

  3. Anonymous

    Sherry you av really gotten us into thinking. Who is it?. Any prize to get the answer correct? Hahaha. From Arthur Osadebe

  4. Anonymous

    Sherry you av really gotten us into thinking. Who is it?. Any prize to get the answer correct? Hahaha. From Arthur Osadebe

  5. Anonymous

    I think its Romeu cz Barc try to keep him!

  6. Anonymous

    I think its Romeu cz Barc try to keep him!

  7. Anonymous

    cant be romeu he is spanish

  8. Anonymous

    cant be romeu he is spanish

  9. Anonymous

    Daniel Chester , am sure he will be willing to sign for Chelsea n thank God RDM already had interest. Our policy ll suit u cos we r commited to ignite youth to our team. Ktbffh Dende frm Nigeria

  10. Anonymous

    Daniel Chester , am sure he will be willing to sign for Chelsea n thank God RDM already had interest. Our policy ll suit u cos we r commited to ignite youth to our team. Ktbffh Dende frm Nigeria

  11. Anonymous

    Its fiction, meaning its not authentic, jeez, do u guys read? :-/

  12. Anonymous

    Its fiction, meaning its not authentic, jeez, do u guys read? :-/

  13. Anonymous


  14. Anonymous


  15. Anonymous

    i am a chelsea fan from india..and if the boy was an 'pure' indian,playing in 'pure' indian league and he wants to go to europe's elite leagues,he has to do that at a very young age,if he hav the talent of course..then finally if say through the ranks he gets into chelsea's radar and the club wants to sign him,the club must apply to the administrators to check “wheather he can make a huge impact in english football and its development” through “proper panel of experts” to get him a UK work permit…ridiculus,horrible,pathetic..if the club scouts want him,and the club THEMSELVES pay him under thair own terms of conditions aka the contract,WHY THE HELL THE GOVT CANT STAND IT?

  16. Anonymous

    i am a chelsea fan from india..and if the boy was an 'pure' indian,playing in 'pure' indian league and he wants to go to europe's elite leagues,he has to do that at a very young age,if he hav the talent of course..then finally if say through the ranks he gets into chelsea's radar and the club wants to sign him,the club must apply to the administrators to check “wheather he can make a huge impact in english football and its development” through “proper panel of experts” to get him a UK work permit…ridiculus,horrible,pathetic..if the club scouts want him,and the club THEMSELVES pay him under thair own terms of conditions aka the contract,WHY THE HELL THE GOVT CANT STAND IT?

  17. Very good story. but my question is, is this a real story or just a fictional? Cause i was wondering when i read about the press conference before the MILAN game!

  18. Very good story. but my question is, is this a real story or just a fictional? Cause i was wondering when i read about the press conference before the MILAN game!

  19. i love the blues with all my heart. I promise.

  20. The month of October has been designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This month we honor the sigiaficnnt work that has been done to reduce domestic violence and recommit ourselves to its end.The following are events held by the YWCA Northeast Indiana in observation of DVAM (for more information or to participate, please contact Steve Miller at ):“Flowers on the River” is the opening event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. Each flower thrown onto the river symbolizes a life that has been affected by domestic violence. Participants gather at the YWCA on Spy Run Avenue at 5:00 pm and walk together to the bridge at 5:15. (Monday, October 1, 2012)“Chalk it Up to Awareness” is an initiative of YWCA Northeast Indiana for which colleges or businesses use colored chalk to create sidewalk billboards to raise awareness about domestic violence. (October 8-12, 2012)The National and local goals of the “National Week Without Violence” is to create awareness, remember victims, and speak out against violence in all its forms. (October 15-19, 2012)In celebration of the National Week Without Violence, schools and libraries throughout the area will gather for “Peace Story Time”, to read stories about and educate children on domestic violence. (October 15-19, 2012)Presentation of YWCA Hope Awards: Each day this week, the YWCA Northeast Indiana will select and recognize a recipient from each of the five categories: Domestic Violence, Empowerment of Women, Racial Justice, Junior Hope Award, and Child Advocacy. (October 22-26, 2012)

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