Cavani Pens

This article was sent in to me by @alishamata10_, and it outlined the need for us to allocate spot kick duties to another player. The writer makes a good point about forwards being given the responsibility, as it benefits everyone. Frank Lampard is at a stage where he isn’t guaranteed a starting spot in every game, therefore a regular should be given the duty:



During the last decade, forwards playing for Chelsea haven’t had the luxury of taking spot kicks. In the above video, covering the 2012/13 season, CaSettingsvani scores 9 goals from penalties (about 1/4 of his goals). Being the main penalty taker will boost a forward’s goal stats and can also help get a player out of a goal scoring slump, as RVP needed against Stoke. I feel we should consider the switch from Lampard and Hazard to making our forward our main spot kick taker. It benefits forwards a great deal, and keeps their morale and confidence sky high every time they net a goal.
Assuming 5-10 goals a season from the spot could be expected for a top team for one player, Drogba (157 goals for Chelsea over 8 seasons) could have scored between 40-80 goals from the spot for Chelsea, boosting his goal tally by 50%.
Would recent Chelsea strikers such as Shevchenko and Torres be held in higher regard if they had taken penalties for Chelsea, and ended the season with 10 goals more than their total? If Cavani joins Chelsea and doesn’t take penalties, will he be compared unfairly to himself at Napoli where he did take penalties?
If Cavani has a high success rate on his penalties then I can’t see why he wouldn’t take some of them.
Personally I’m a fan of players hitting their penalties hard because it gives the keeper less chance of getting to it, so I’d want Cavani to take our penalties IF we sign him. Just a thought and I’d like to hear from others.


Thanks to Alisha for her contribution, tweet her your thoughts or in the comments section below!


15 thoughts on “Cavani Pens

  1. Vaibhav Kumble

    I dont agree to it.. Lamps is our best penal taker. Simple as that . Now I agree we need to find some1 else as lamps is not a regular starter. But I dont care what position he plays as long as he is the best penalty taker in the team…

    • I don’t think you get the point. Indeed Lamps is the best penalty taker on the pitch. But lets assume Lampard is not on starting XI. Who will take? Torres? Hazard? These players are quality in taking pens but noted that they take penalties (Unlike Lampard) they hit it not as powerful as Lampard. And also notice last year they keep on changing the penalty kick taker? From Luiz to Torres. This is what she meant, I’m not the best fan of Cavani. But he can score penalties with powerful shot in case Lampard not playing.

    • Agree with Vaibhav above. I dont think position matters. I would love see David Luiz succeeding Lamps as our penalty taker…he’s a good kicker of the ball and his powerful shots wont be easy to save

  2. Lol at first I thought Pen means he signed a deal with Chelsea… So optimistic, now feels so sad 🙁

  3. Interesting thought! I see what you’re saying, but what happens to the teams’ mentality if there’s just one player taking the shot? I think everyone wants to score. In hockey, for example, coaches decide who participate in shoot outs based on who has the “hot hand”. Suppose cavani is in a slump. And he misses the PKs, won’t he be even more defeated, compared to a non striker, who can contribute in other ways? if he’s down, will he still be still given the PK’s? Psychologically though, how would this impact the keeper the PK goes against? If the taker is a forward does he get more intimidated? If it’s a back taking the PK is he more lax in his keeping? In this 1v1 case, sometimes the goal is scored or blocked before the ball is even kicked.

  4. fuck a defender can not top goals in EPL so let Cavani or hazard take as Man utd did to Cr7 n Rooney respectively when Cr7 goals leader in both epl/club(man utd) respectively, so plz let HAZARD or CAVANI take it plzzzzzzssssszzzzsss to even mark them in getting personally trophies too.

  5. Every striker needs goals to boast his confidence and to get press off his back. I see the point of having a striker (if good enough) to take penalties, his goal tally would look much healthier at the end of season. Lampard won’t always be there. every goal a striker scores gives him the confidence that he can score few more. if david scores a pen wont definitely boosts him to think he can be a top scorer and wont change much performing his main tasks. you bet a striker will with every scored goal 🙂

  6. Great work guys, really think we shud give the PK responsibility to our strikers because if we had them taking Pks their stats would have improve alot. Plus the midfielders in our team should be fine tuned to create goals for the strikers rather than them scoring. #KTBFFH

  7. He will make us potent in our guest for the league. Sign him up Mourinho. This is what we call a striker. Just imagine him behind our amigos thats deadly. Cavani is one of the finest strikers you could think of. Buy him and sell Torres then we are set to conquer the league.

  8. He should be allowed to take penalties if he wants to. For me i think any player on the field in the first eleven can take a penalty.

  9. I’m an advocate of giving the responsibility to the best penalty taker in the team, regardless of the position they play.
    It’s all very well saying that taking and scoring penalties would boost a players goal talley, but how much would we regret it if we gave anyone other than our best taker the chance to win us a big game from the spot, and they missed?
    That could also be considered an argument against: if scoring a penalty boosts confidence, surely it must follow that missing one could dent confidence? After Messi missed against us in the 2012 semi final he was nowhere near as effective for the rest of the game.
    Cavani could well come in and prove to be the best at taking them in training. But if we sign him, he shouldn’t be given the role purely based on the fact that he plays up front.

  10. I agree that we need a new penalty kick taker because it helps a lot for the striker to increase his goals for the season. Penalty kick abilities could be lost if the striker does not play them regularly.

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