Which players should we sign when January comes?

January is almost a month away and so far, the Blues have had mixed results this season with us currently in 4th place on 21 points, behind Southampton, Liverpool and Arsenal. Jose would be looking to buy some new players in January and now, lets take a look at who he could buy.

Goalkeeper: Here is a position that doesn’t look like it could change at this season, we will have to worry about that next season. Cech has been a consistent keeper for Chelsea in the past 9 years and although, he has not been impressive in the last match against WBA, Jose won’t look over to buy any new Gk, as Schwarzer has already been brought in as a backup to Cech for at least this season. We may have to worry about Courtois’s future at this club next season, after the World cup.

Defenders: Well, let just say something could happen to the amount of defenders we will have after January. In the Center back position, Terry is having one of his best season under Jose since back in 2004, Cahill has been a favorite by the fans this season to start ahead of David Luiz, who has had not his best performance in a blue shirt this season. Our full back positions, the right back seems have to no problem as Ivanovic has always managed to give an amazing performance and when he is benched, Azpilicueta didn’t fail to impress as well. But the left back position is where problems have started to arise, Cole seems to have gone past his best, he could leave this season or next season, Bertrand has injuries and is still in the process of learning, Jose has even played Azpi in that position, where he has given an average performance. This is a position that should be improved when January comes, Jose can either go for Luke Shaw(whose favorite club is Chelsea) or latest rumours from Mirror suggest that Chelsea could go for Sevillas’ Alberto Moreno and include Ashley in the deal. Well, we will have to wait before any of this could come true

Lampard has seem to fallen out of favour with the fans everytime he is picked as one of the double pivots

Midfielders: This is a position which really really needs to be improved as soon as the January transfer window opens, the attacking trio position doesn’t need any improvements as we have the talents of Mata, Hazard, Oscar, De Bruyne, Willian and Schurrle. What needs to be improved is the double pivot position or the two CDM’s, Ramires has been very impressive in that position all the time but due to Jose’s selection of Lampard partnering with Ramires, it doesn’t add the right flair or the perfect CDM’s to support the defenders, on the other hand Mikel and Ramires partnership has been the best out of all and we are yet to see Essien start a league match this season. Chelsea could bring back interest to sign De Rossi or go for Marsielle’s Giannelli Imbula. This should be a medium priority when January comes.

Out of the three, Torres has been impressive and Eto’o as well but Ba has fallen out of the order and could leave in January

Forwards: The number one priority, ever since Didier Drogba left the club, this position is what Critics have crtiscized chelsea for not improving, Torres has been on and off form and injuries have kept him sidelined, Eto’o has begun to show his form, so far scoring 4 goals in 4 matches, and Ba has fallen down the pecking order under Jose. According to reports, Ba could leave for Turkey with Besiktas his most likely choice. Due to our strikers not scoring, we have failed to win a few matches or at least secure the 3 points. Now, Jose said himself he wants Falcao at Chelsea, who would cost around 60 million pounds or wait for Lewandowski, who mentioned he will let everyone know which club he will join at the end of the season. Third option was Jackson Martinez who we couldn’t sign but we bought Eto’o in. Expect a lot of rumours as to how many strikers we will be linked with when January comes.

So this what I think could happen? Who do you want to see join our club? Let me know your feedback.


45 thoughts on “Which players should we sign when January comes?

  1. […] Which players should we sign when January comes? […]

  2. why spend £60mill on a 29yr old player when we have an epl proven striker in lukaku who cost the club £18mill.if we fail 2 adress the hidden problem that has made strikers 2 under perform at chelsea,then am afraid we may be in for another schevchenko.so lets bring back lukaku & b4 we make the kind of mistake we made with sturridge & stop this nonsence buy!buy!

  3. We are not in buying competition.we have torres,eto,demba,lukaku,piazon.falcao is not better than these players.last year our attacking midfielders performd well,but now so much buying has brought inconsistency & confusion thats why mata is benched because jose is confused.how have 30mill willian performd so far compared 2 mata.stop this nonsence & make us of what we have.

  4. Please how can we get the best from machecran,kakuta,nathan ake,chalobah,kallas,ryan bertrand,traore bertrand,de bruyne,oriol romeo,marin etc.let jose answer this question than going 2 watch falcao.

  5. Luke shaw/Baines,De rossi(cos roma not in UCL) and Falcao.

  6. Anonymous

    We should get Luke Shaw, as our future left back, Daniel de Rossi as a short term DM until the likes of Nathan Ake and Nathaniel Chalobah come into the first team, and sell Ba in January and get Burak Yilmaz as a cheap short term answer until Lukaku comes back next season or we get the chance to sign Lewandowski

  7. Luke Shaw, De Rossi short term or one of the Bender brothers, Don’t worry about ST just lets not loan Lukaku out next season

  8. Anonymous

    If Etoo plays consistantly and gives results as he is doing we should be fine. But bring the Marsielle boy!

  9. Arthur Osadebe

    the truth is that we have Torres, Eto’o and other young up coming strickers, but another truth is they re not performing to at least giv us hope of winning a trophy dis season, if u wre mou, u ll also wnt to buy. we in serious need of a Drogba season2, and a real natural DM, cos from the look of tins, is lik mou has no faith in Mikel who 4 nw stil remain our best DM

  10. Michael kiluu

    If mourinho can get baines it could be fine ,striker we nd rooney

  11. Falcao can add some flavour to our team bt in the other positions i think we need to use the ones we have

  12. Anonymous

    Look at Mata, he is the best player in chelsea, why dont mou use him than to spend $60 million on a 29 year old player. If Mata played more often then we would have gotten more points in our games. I want to see Mats play next year.

  13. 1) A Striker – In Jan Suarez/Lewandowski/Yilmaz/Benzema & out with Ba. (OR forward – Reus for De Bruyne + 15m / De Bruyne for Draxler)
    2) left-Back – Luke Shaw is a must!

    3) Holding CDM – If PSG come back in for Mata offering 35-40m do Mata= Marco Verratti+10/15m. Or this Imbula although the former in my opinion is better.

  14. I think Falcao should join the club

    • jose need to give mata a chance,why jose like to cause the down fall of some players.this is what he did in real to the goalkeeper

  15. Bluearmy your article is narrow minded.

    Buy Buy Buy! ever since, it has been buy Mr X,Y,Z; the only idea most fans know about football victories.

    I have a problem with this recent methodology by Mourinho 2nd spell in Chelsea. Great coach but it leaves me in a pitiful state of how our quality players’s way forward is threatened, even with the close association with FFP rule. The club’s position/ ambition is twisted by an individual’s decision.
    In 2004 it was comprehensible, when players where averaged b4 the Abra era. Clearly we needed several Ballacks, Lampards, Drogbas, Essiens etc to fill voids. Today its diff with a blessing of young prospects already in prime but all we know in Chelsea fan base is the fantasy of purchasing imaginable footballers to the bridge only to dumb them & start yelling again all sorts of names (ideally).

    I bet majority don’t even understand the current modus operandi from Mourinho’s stand point of view. Its confusing to see good players not utilized and ignored. I am personally even more confused when a manager makes the wrong choices as starters yet pretends he wants to win a match.
    Those players we yearn for their services don’t have two heads; they’ll also drop form or not pick at all (there are previous evidences).

    Some willing-to-shine players sitting out most matches frustrated. That leaves me to wonder whether perhaps this its right or has Chelsea become a dumping ground of abandoned talents?
    Yet amidst all these young great players within first team/ loan, etc ppl still mention ridiculous names to fill in even positions of proactive players in the squad.
    I want to ask, what if Mourinho plays the right guys without sentiments? what happens to our young prolific players? why can’t we produce talents for other clubs to come crawling to buy? what do we gain in a squad of over- burdened positions, without proper use?

    We don’t always need to buy, we need to improve and develop the good talents we have.

    • Yes that is absolutely true but it is now the middle of the season, Jose said he would try to improve and develop the good talents, he needs time, one season won’t do it.

  16. snowhite obi

    Selling David Luiz will be Chelsea’s biggest mistake…cos he’s better than Terry and Cahill put together.
    Its only a fool who will compare Terry to Luiz or Cahill to Luiz. DL always make mistakes,but he’s one of the best defenders in the world. Do you think Barca are making a mistake by coming for Luiz? They know his worth,and Teams like Barca can not pay such an amount without knowing his worth.
    Terry lacks confidence,he can’t run,and he always fall to the ground when we need him to stand. These,has killed our game so many times.
    The likes of Man-U, Man-City, Arsenal etc,have been praying for Chelsea to commit there biggest mistake to let go of Luiz. Its even better to sell Jose Mourihno than Luiz.
    Secondly,Lampard should be sold even before JAN…cos he’s just a picture on the pitch.
    Thirdly,Cole always behaves like someone who’s on drugs

  17. Anonymous

    Can you people not add? You keep saying Falcao is a “29-year old player.” He’s 27. There is a difference.

    • Christopher

      documents where found from his primary school days saying he is 29 plus being able to count has nothing to do with being able to add or not


    We dont need to spend big again, we have two world class strikers torres and eto, and player on loan who has proven enough by scoring 17 goals last season and already 5 this season. Just bring him and make him to world class level with jose experience, rather spending huge money in market. And we may need a strong CDM but mikel should be paired with ramires and lampard must be used sparely by rotating. Just make mata a regular no:10 then we surely win more matches. What borussia dortmund have before 4-5 years is an ordinary team but now they are one of top teams in europe, they reached such level not by buying top players but by moulding the team.

  19. Mason Cole

    Personally, I don’t think Iva is an effective RB, but if Mou continues to play him there, with Azpi as his backup, we don’t need another RB. Mou clearly doesn’t like Luiz and wont play him in his preferred CDM role, so he is likely to be sold, to replace him, I would go for Otamendi of Porto, and we already have Kalas, who can play as a CB. LB area to me is fine, we will need Shaw in the future, but let him progress at Southampton for now. In he CDM positions, we have McEachran, Chalobah and van Ginkel who can all excel forus in the future, but for now, we should buy Matic from Benfica, or Ward-Prowse as a futuristic option from Southampton. I agree that the CAM positions are pretty good, but if De Bruyne was sold I would like to see him replaced by either Draxler (Schalke 04) or Barkley (Everton). In terms of strikers, I don’t see Eto’o remaining beyond this season, and when he leaves, we have Lukaku who should be able to fill his shoes. Ba will leave in January, but Torres was having a good season before his injury, though it is inevitable he will leave either this summer or next so replace him with Jackson Martinez and Ba with Berahino.

  20. Vaibhav Kumble

    How can we decide these things in 4months?!! Nee manager, new philosophy. The only thing Jose wants is consistency and a winning mentality in our team. A team capable of winning all trophies. Thats y strength in depth is needed. We have a gr8 squad.. we dont need to buy anybody (although Rooney is a personal favourite of mine)… Otherwise the only thing that goes against us is the formation. I think 4-3-3 suits us best. And another problem is will to win every game. Some games we wake up when we are about to lose. So a change in mentality would help. No need to buy. No need for criticism. No need to Panic. Be patient. KTBFFH.

  21. shaffi amir

    Attacking midfield is the problem oscar has no power compared to mata the kind of chances mata creates can’t be compared to the one oscar does we get chances of free kicks which about 80% of scoring with mata than oscar more creativity in mata than oscar,for Lampard he is fine just use Mikel as anchor man and ramires on the flank with hazard,luize is not bad but his movements scares more.

  22. Anonymous

    We need to put Luis in cdm then bring in a new cb as back up, a new striker would do nicely, it doesn’t need to be huge cause we have lukaku on loan but if it’s a big sticker, then when lukaku comes back from loan, at least we will have 2 class strikers, lb we could get shaw Baines or Fabio

    • Luiz will soon be played at #10 not only as cdm.jack of all trade will end up as master of none.if luiz can add discipline,focus & composure 2 his style of play,then he can be the best center back.

  23. @Zyte I thought as much. Luiz should be played as Cdm, Luiz should be played as Amf, perhaps Luiz should be the Gk ….etc
    This is a player who has hardly found gravity this season with an intolerable discipline at allotted position CB, of which he trains & is known for.

    People would love the cat to bark like dogs; but unfortunately, the cat’s agility isn’t enough to replace a dog.#meaning… let a player finish his own primary responsibility satisfactorily before a Jack of all trade recognition can be attributed to him…

  24. The best thing to happen in the midfield is to rest lamp, play mikel who love to stay back with remires who has the speed with ball. Bring kenneth in the CD and sign falcao or lewy. Oscar can cos some harm cos of the way the boss play him so william and mata can fit in some time.

  25. 1. lewandowski
    2.luke shaw

  26. Anonymous

    @ jayde am happy that u understood my point.people hate luiz thats why they want him 2 useles his career.look at essien(bisson) thats how he was turned from one of the best box 2 box midfielders 2 a jack of all trade player yet master of none,though injury also affected him.

  27. the coach’s job is to improve players… Once e coach specialise on spottin players improved by other coachs he becomes a scout…. Chelsea dont need to buy any player for then next decade… We need just to improve our players… How can an undisputed n#10 of 2 seasons just become useless over night… Mou killed quaresma at inter but won. Killed kaka and iker at madrid and paid for it.. Now hez tryin to kill mata , luiz, obi and the team.. Benitez proved that chelsea had good player who were just not used… Players need match fitness wc can only be achieved by playin regular… Mou just need to pick e right team based on performance not sentiments plus he must stop tellin the world about his best player before e season starts. He praised oscar highly and mata is sufferin because mou want to convience pple that he was right.. No buyin. Just improve the squad…

  28. Augustine

    Chelsea has a lot of talented players at it s exposure ..I just don’t understand why mourinho hasn’t swallowed his pride to at least adapt to benitez play style “player rotation”..he keeps on benching superstars mata,david luiz,and de bruyne everyone makes a mistake now if he will bench whosoever makes a mistake it will b frustrating 4 our players..as they are getting less play time most of our players are been targeted by big teams like chelsea..so its a worry the season is almost reaching middle way and our trusted players are been frustrated..Chelsea we must open our eyes to reality

  29. I am always happy when I read about people’s comments hitting the nail right on its head. First of all, I think Mourinho shouldn’t have appointed. We all can see that he is short of ideas. He should have thought of this and taken a sabbatical leave as some of compatriots did. Pep and Rafa did it and it has helped them immensely. He should have taken sometime off to study the modern trend of the game before taking another job. In my. modest opinion, Rafa Benitez would done a fantastic job with this technical and tactical crop intelligent soccer playing guys we now have. We now would have been playing with style not this boring soak and attack football we now play. I think Abramovich would have loved to work with Rafa but the supporters of this club never gave him the chance. A mistake well made. I hope it doesn’t come back to hunt before we say had we known. Up Chels####

  30. See it Bendtner hahahahahha http://www.xdball.com/

  31. blues need no players to be signed mou should get mata playing and Mikel

  32. Chelsea horyalka ayada ku leh

  33. i went to play for my clud chelsea when am doin with my school i lik to win four fa cup four p l cup and four c ps l am very serious my nam is jonah philip bt call me ronaldinho or jonahdinho

  34. i went to play for my clud chelsea when am doin with my school i lik to win four fa cup four p l cup and four c ps l am very serious my nam is jonah philip bt call me ronaldinho or jonahdinho i am in nigeria and i lik kaduna, rome no 96 buba suari steet tink u

  35. i wise is to play for my clud chelsea i promise to win many cup from you infat i promise to play like ronaldinho or jay jay okocha infat morethan them call me jonah or jonahdinho or ronaldinho or okocha i like in nigeria in kaduna romi 96 buba suari steet tink you and pls come and sign me in nigeria pls

  36. George givenchy

    David luiz should leave chelsea

  37. nathan libubi

    we need strikers

  38. I would love falcao, robert rewandosky or zilatan in a blue shirt now. We must sign striker who will shower us with beautiful goals. We need strikers who will be much great to score every game to carry the tittle once again. Remember, we’ve got already a good squad. I will never stop supporting Chelsea for the rest of my life. Chelsea for life & for good. I love the blues, together we are the blue sky & we suit the whold world. So jose, promise to make us more than happy this coming season. All the way from MALAWI.

  39. Anonymous

    chelsea should buy c. ronado or di maria

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