It’s High Time Mata Start Games

Chelsea suffered another big blow as the blues were beaten by Basel in the 2nd leg of the Group E Champions League Game.

Jose Mourinho Made a single change to the team that defeated west-ham by bringing Brazillian, Willian in a 4-3-3 Formation

The Game Progressed with alot of defensive errors as cech went up to the billing to ensure no ball crossed the back of the net.

Chelsea tried to keep the game balanced but Basel were up and running.

At A Certain Point in the game, most fans criticized the absence of Juan Mata from the starting 11 that played west ham during the weekend and yesterday’s game.

We Lacked The Killer insticts that Mata would have produced. One could really say, Jose Mourinho had it all tactical.

To be realistic, benching Mata game after game gives us a lower hand.

Oscar had an avergae game though. But he kind of went deep yesterday.

juan-mata-1200If Jose had opted for a Schurrle- Mata- Hazard i see no reason why we couln’t have won that game yesterday.

We were just lucky, to progress to the knock out, after the Schalke v Steau Game ended in a draw

Moreover, We Must Give Credit to whom credit is deserved. Basel were fantastic!

On Tactical Basis! Basel are a high attacking side contrary to West ham who loves defending.

The Lampard- Mikel-Ramires Partnership was folded yesterday but not taking anything from them, they all tried.

Jose Must Go Back to his Drawing board because, the team still have alot to close-up recording no shot on target.


52 thoughts on “It’s High Time Mata Start Games

  1. Neri Abayomi

    The team was not fresh and maybe I should have made more changes, but there was a temptation to keep the same team because they played so well (at West Ham).” Jose Mourinho

    • we got so much attacking Talent that we can field a team A and B and still win matches beautifully but NOoo Mou got his own idea of playing less than sub standard Lamps, a tired oscar and Ramirez…dnt see the logic in Mou’s tactics thats if there was any tactics at all

      • I agree Jeff. We have two top level teams. As far, the manager is very confused and seems to have lost his tactic plans.

    • this goal makes every possible point about playing Mata.

    • Ronald Justino

      Mind your words,the word Bullshit wasn’t right to describe him,u win more trophies than him,than call everything he does bullshit,no player is bigger than the club,Mata might need a start but what if he plays and we still lost…just get behind him,and I don’t like the way you’re calling him bullshit,changing the winning team sometimes wasn’t necessary but it’s all about players back from internationals who hardly get any rest…mention,and one of them is Oscar,time to get some changes for the game against Southampton

  2. I never supported this man second mission to Chelsea. Mata is better than Oscar. Oscar as number 10 role, how many goal assists has he provided for our strikers this season? He scores one, out of every fiften shorts he aimed at the post. He is selfish. Mourinho is too proud and pride goes before a fall. He don’t want to bury his inflected ego, accept that he got it wrong in benching Mata. Look at what Gaurdiola is doing at Bayern. Take a look at how Ancelloti has kept the team he messed up with at Madrid. He benched Mata simply because Mata is fans favourite and where ever he goes, he is affraid of that. Mourinho has lost it all, what is Lampard doing on that blue jersy? Let him follow the foot step of Drogba who never gave us trouble. Roman should hasten up and salvage his club, this proud and arrogant couch is bent on destroying it.

    • johnson Fabilola

      i totally agree with Dozie, MOU is getting it wrong, how can Basel beat us home and away. what will happen if we meet them at the knock out stage. MOU should play Mata.

      • @ dozie u will be their when jose wil win trophies.but he must change his attitude towards mata.he just needs 2 be sincere with team selection.up chelsea.

    • Vaibhav Kumble

      What a stupid thing to say. Make sure you remember your words… Cause when Mou delivers trophies you gonna have a lot of apologising to do. We played bad.. yes… but u never supported mou’s second coming, he messed up Madrid.. pure bullshit dude. Mou is a winner.. and thats a fact. Learn some pateince or atleast learn how to criticize in the rigjt manner. Total crap your comments are. Completely unjustified.

  3. The last time I wrote about this, some fellas called us plastic fan. After the game against West Ham, I criticized the way we played and said Lamps shone for two reason: The presence of Mikel and Ramirez, secondly West Ham weren’t better orgainzed to exploit our weakness, which Basel just did. After the WHFC, I believe Mou though he now has what will work for Lamps and used it again. Lamps was a misfit yesterday as he has been in most games this season. Why not give Mata, de Bryune even Luiz same faith you’re unrelentingly pouring on Lamps and his other favourites even when it’s so blatant they are not playing well. Mou cost us this lost, and took our bragging rights with itm
    At the beginning when people were calling for RB, I said their killinghim too quickly. Now, I think he is shooting himself on the foot. We have : now have better players the Arsenal, MANU, even Liverpool. Why then can’t we have consistency: winning consistency. If we had played and lost, just as with Bayern no problem. Imagine not a single shot on goal throughout the entire first half.

    • Vaakmeisster

      I think Luiz was injured. I totally agree with everything you said.

    • Chelsea has an incredible midfield, but half of the time, most of them don’t play. Luiz is good, he’s been benched. Seems like all Mourinho came to do here was to bring the old guard back. From the first game of the season, Hull City, Chelsea didn’t look like a brilliant attacking team as it became towards the end of last season.

  4. Anonymous

    I’m so so so sad nd angry mehn !!! This is trash…..i hate pple saying chelsea lost 90% of the games mata has started,dats jst rubbish….MATA is our messiah…..take it or u leave it

    • mata is not our messiah.he is just a good player.the messiah is JESUS CHRIST.

    • Mata is useless – he can’t defend. He should be sold. Expect nothing better than 3rd place with somebody like Mata. OSCAR is the real number 10!!! From BRAZIL – THE HEART OF SOCCER!!!!

      • @ mrx mata is not useless & oscar is a good player.if mata is useles then cfc & all fans are useles b/cos it takes a useles club & fans 2 vote a useles player as their best 4 the past 2yrs.please u have 2 apologise 2 mata,cfc & fans 4 using such a degrading word on mata,the club & fans.

  5. Vaakmeisster

    Yes I think Mata is our best player and there shouldn’t be a debate whether he plays or not. he should be untouchable. But I also don’t think Oscar should be benched as he has been superb and has been a key player for us this season. They both have to be and can be played. I see no reason why lampard is being played. He does absolutely nothing, even when he scores, Lampard, not Oscar should be relaced by Mata

    • @ Vaakmeisster, I totally agree with you Lampard and not Oscar should be benched!

  6. This just the beginning..ain’t seen nothing yet by time Mourinho is through with cfc, we’ll be nothing but ruins….Mourinho should drop his ego n play the right people or we’re doomed…

  7. Keep those old guard away, they are tired. Oscar need a rest too(fatigue)

  8. Shingie Samu

    You’re right, looking at the West Ham game Hazard played the free roll that Mata is used to but he didn’t have the killer punch we would have like for us to produce many goals. Mou’s player rotation is poor especially with the bussy schedule we have in Dec. Samu Shingirai———- Sent via Nokia Email

  9. Lampard is our problem, why? that’s because he occupies another viable player’s space. Mourinho says he is given play time to enjoy his last yrs of his career.# that’s bullshit.

    A run down of my observations include;
    1. Lamps plays every game offering nothing in midfield other than just a hunger for goals.
    2. Mourinho’s choices are sentimental. nevertheless he is best for the job. All needed do, is field the right players.

    3. Oscar should play rotationally.
    4. Mata is not a Messiah but an important integral part of the team and should be played in critical games as that.

    5. A (4-2-3-1) would have been perfect with only Mikel and Ram as pivots and fresh legs with De Bruyne & Schürrle. That was not a hard decision to make, as Basel is nt Westham fc.

    6. finally, Why play few players repeatedly when you have good options.

  10. Very happy we lost. You can say as much as you want but Mourinho is the real problem here not me nor the players. How can you play a 35 year old who can hardly make a turn or run and keep last 2years player of the season on the bench. You have equally important players who could have played this game much better than the shambolic display by this squad which played over the weekend yet you claim the team was tired. It’s very difficult to understand this man who is ruining the talents of some players. Please Mr. Mourinho, come again!!!! No wonder I neva supported the coming back of him!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous

      Oh yeah you prefer to finish in 5th every season, 15 points behind, or playing europa league. Makes sense. The problem is Mourinho ? Come again? Did Chelsea last year won EPL, CL and FA cup ? Because it appears to me last couple of years Chelsea have been a pretty SHITTY team with good players and no football. But thats just me

      • Anonymous

        I cant believe that these so call have no memory.

      • Vaibhav Kumble

        Thank you. Finally someone who makes sense. The rest are idiots. Ken and Dozie you guys better be ready to apologise cause you r the ones who say you sont support Mourinho. Biggest joke of the century. Seriously..

  11. Lampard ts time to step Out.
    Yeah we need mata’The magician’
    Vr desperate goin thru on knock out stage by Lucky. .
    Mouthinho 😀 is not serrious on ma side.

  12. Anonymous

    These plastic fans are disgusting. They cry like baby when we win (they were crying even when we won against west ham). Mata will play Sunday and we will see.

  13. I need someone to explain to me who a plastic fan is. For all I know a true fan will always address the state of the team in which ever situation whether good or bad the team might find itself. Giving credits and rebuking when due. But the plastic fans always see in one direction, giving unnecessary excuses as to the reasons why the team performs in a match. If Mourinho is not up and doing, say it as so and stop saying he knows what he is doing. If he knows what he is doing then we ought to know what he is actually doing cause we ain’t seeing anything better from but rather his sentimental team selection of players and unnecessary favouritism. I say this without fear that because Mata is that popular that’s why he is treating him as such.

  14. its jose… any other would have been sacked… we all would have blasted him like we have done in past.

    he has made this team worst. rotting our player of the season, preferring lampard always, dont be surprised if he again starts at the weekend.
    jose has failed to improve the team, improve individual players. their is no winning mentality in team. look at hazard he should have been shining by now. he was the one who was dubbed to compete for ballon dor. but he has gone backwards. look at david luiz, he is still the same. what good has jose done on him. players have certain tasks during a game. all have to defend and to attack also. defenders have a primary task of defending and occasionally assist in attacks also when they can. attackers have primary job of attacking and then defending collectively for the team. but all our attackers are told first to defend first and attack occasionally. jose an egoistic person. still wont admit his mistake. rafa did very well with the limited squad we had.

    he knows only one kind of football that is totally negative and score on counter attacks. the only reason he doesnt likes mata as he doesn’t have pace that is needed in counter attacks. am done with him and his antics. jose returning has been a blunder.

    • Anonymous

      So basically when we were winning and Mourinho was rotating the team “oh NO its bad to rotate the squad, we should have a solid starting 11, Mourinho needs to decide which 11 players play, and stick with a prefered 11”

      Now, its the opposite we should be rotating players… Seriously do any of you know anything about football? He made this team worst? Let me get this straight…. this team is ALMOST the same as last year, except we are 1st in our Champions League Group and 2nd in the EPL and still running for Capital Cup.

      Last year we were OUT of the Champions League and 4th in the EPL.

      How is this team much worse than last years? I can’t understand.

    • Right on point, bam!!!

  15. we are still where we are because sir alex is no longer at man u & man citys away form hasnt been impressive.the truth is that jose is not doing well now.but we believe he will drop his ego & do the right thing.cfc 4 life.

  16. Very happy to read people are telling the truth. In fact, if it were to be any other coach he would have been killed with insult by some Cfc faithfuls and sacked. But because its egoistic, proud and sentimental Mourinho most are quiet whilst they are not happy within them. Last years team had no depth but RB did a wonderful job with it and had us playing what I call soccer not this freak show being displayed to us by a certain Mourinho. Mind when RB came were already out of the qualifications to the knockout stages but he took the Europa and gave us the cup. He repaid our numerous insult with an Europa cup.

  17. Mata liked Rafa. Mou hates that.

  18. If you can’t see what Mous up to you’re all blinded, if you liked Rafa you’re on the bench until there’s no choice but to play them. I think that times coming to be playing them. Mou tried it without playing them and the team is not a team without them.

  19. if i would be chelsea coach i would have started juam mata evry full

  20. Vaibhav Kumble

    Apparently Chelsea is made up of Mata. And we cant win otherwise is it?!!! What has Oscar done wrong? He’s been brilliant. And what kind of comments are you making??!!! You talk like you know everything about football.. but u know nothing. You dont even have the patience to see the true results of hard work.. Mou is destroying Chelsea?!! What are you?? Idiots? !! Mou loves Chelsea and he will never dstroy Chelsea. Just the way u say that we love Chelsea and thats y we point out whata wrong. Have you ever heard of constructive criticism? !! No u havent. So if you make a mistake, I will cut your head off.. fair enuf?!!! No right. .. thats how stupid some of these comments are. What a sas group of supporters we have got here. FULL OF BULLSHIT.

    • Sanjay kumar

      Are you an expert in football if not keep your mouth and everything shut!!!

      • Vaibhav Kumble

        Are you an expert?!! You Moron. Just cause you dont agree to my opinion you can talk crap?!! Get lost.

  21. Sanjay kumar

    Some people who are talking about patience should shut their mouth and can keep support jose forever and wherever he goes may be they are only mourinho fans not chelsea fans.Actually you are BULLSHIT! Its true believe me.

  22. Sanjay kumar

    Are you an expert in football have you payed for any pro team or coached any such sort, if not keep your mouth and everything shut!!!

  23. Mourinho is gradually brain washing some cfc faithful in believing that mata can’t defend if I may ask does ozil track when he was at madrid? Is defending the major role of a play maker or accurate distribution of the ball?. I keep saying that some cfc faithful are hypocrites cos they almost killed an innocent benitez who got little squad depth yet his astute tinkering n rotation kept us going..

    • Anonymous

      Sanjay kumar

      November 28, 2013 • 8:27 AM
      Are you an expert in football have you payed for any pro team or coached any such sort, if not keep your mouth and everything shut!!!

  24. Thanks Ken. When a true fan talks, you feel it not the hypocrite who call others plastic fans.

  25. Sanjay kumar

    Who is this kumble always supporting jose and not team. Please you just stop writing comments then, why because you are only jose fan and plastic CFC fan we don’t need any plastic fans in here bcoz it is chelsea ok, so you get lost bcoz you are a big crap!!

    • Vaibhav Kumble

      I seriously would like to say fuck off to you you dont know shit. I am a fan of Chelsea since 2001 before Mou.. so shut your hole and talk abt the problem

    • @Sanjay kumar. my question to you arehow long have you ben a football fan? how long have you been a Chelsea fan? to me you sound like a cricket fan or a baseball fan. we are on top in our CL group stage. 2nd in EPL and you plastics m*f**kers keyboards warriors are crying because one player? seriously i can’t believe you are calling Kumble a plastic fan because he is behind the manager. yes mou may got it wrong by benching Mata every game but we have to blame the players first. for me Chelsea don’t need the best squad to kick basel’ ass.for the guy who is saying Ozil doesn’t do any defense duties yeah you are right but see what happen to arsenal in their game against United! they lost because he wasn’t helping his teammates.believe me or not Mourinho is blue like us, even better. he loves this club and will fighting his ass off for this lovely club. some fans give me a headache. seriously how can you cry because KdB isn’t playing? the guy is good but all our AMFs are better than him. all i read all comments but all i can say is that you guys are supporting MATA FC not chelsea. i can believe even one of you guys was calling Mou a cunt. for me i will stick on mr Mourinho’ back as long as is a blue manager.I love Chelsea with all my heart and i will be more than happy to see all of us happy like the way we were after the Munich night.peace&love

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