Azonto Epistle Special: Now, Share With The Blue World How You Feel About Jose’s Appointment


… and finally, Jose Mourinho… Is… the new manager of … Chelsea!!! The signs were clear, it seemed to be the worst kept secrete in football history, yet, the anxiety and suspense which surrounded it among Chelsea fans before the faithful 3rd June was unbearable. I, on that day had a hectic academic interview to attend but found it difficult to concentrate even as I sat before the interview panel, I will just say to myself, Jose will be Chelsea manager by the time I get out of here, just to excite myself and calm my nerves. So when after getting out and the news had not been confirmed, I made it my business to stay rightly on the Chelsea website and refresh the site for an hour before.. BOOOOOOOOM! “Mourinho Appointed”; it hit me like a thunderstorm and when I switched it on to twitter the celebration had started. I just managed to calm myself down and asked myself, why is the Blue Family so crazy about Jose Mourinho? The only reasonable thing that I could think of at that moment was that… Because he is the Special One and more importantly he is ONE OF US. And so I was stunned to hear Jose repeat the same line that HE IS ONE OF US. After being under a manager we totally consider a stranger and not part of us for months, sparking several agitations and fans backlash, it was just natural, fare and proper that Roman had to right the wrong and give back to the fans what they dearly want.  And it has been few days since the appointment of  The Special One and although we are still in the honeymoon period of frenzy and excitement, I guess you can still find time to truly express your feelings about the appointment of the Special One and your hopes for the future.
I have said on my twitter timeline that, Big signings have already been made, Neymar to Barcer, Falcao to Monaco and just recently Fernandinho to Manchester City (although I won’t really consider the latter as so big but because of the amount of money involved, I have to find a way for it in here), none of these signings can match the excitement Chelsea fans are in it by any of the clubs. The players have already began expressing their s feelings about it and according to Hazard, although he will feel a bit “intimidated” by the presence of Jose around Cobham, he will get over it and make the best out of it by notching up 50-60 goals a season as Mourinho turned Christiano Ronaldo into. I won’t doubt him because Jose has already talked of how to improve our boys individually and made mention of Hazard.
Although the jury are already on him about whether he can repeat the success he had here. To me I’m with no doubt about Mourinho’s ability to do even more with the talent at his disposal and I believe a large section of Chelsea fans are in agreement hence the excitement all over. So, before I start to chronicle all the perspective about Jose and Chelsea “Marriage” in my subsequent Epistles, I want us all to sit back, relax and calmly share with the blue community how the feeling is like, to have Jose Mourinho confirmed as Chelsea’s first team manager. I believe by now, you can calm yourself down and share with us your feelings.
by: Seth Adusei (twitter @ sethaadusei)


4 thoughts on “Azonto Epistle Special: Now, Share With The Blue World How You Feel About Jose’s Appointment



    It is like dream coming true!There was lot of negative talk that he may not arrive again because of some misunderstandings between jose and our owner in 2007.But he is back and one of us now.Hope there will not be any day soon he leave the club,if such day comes after 10 or 15 years then, we want RDM again.

  3. Anonymous

    Its more than just a dream…. its more like getting back ur first love when u thought u lost it all!!:-)
    its was like i couldnt stop laughing 4 few hours… :-D:-)

  4. Well Seth. I’m strangely,pretty much still excited. I watched his interview about 10 times this week!
    Other than that I feel so much more confident in the squad’s ability now that a manager of Mourinho’s stature,motivating abilities and leader is the man pulling the strings. It feels like my heart is on vacation,having no doubts. One cannot really express the real feeling. Good write up Seth.

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