Chelsea players who are not good enough (Part II)

This is my response of your replies in my previous article. I’m on vacation now, so I couldn’t reply your reactions immediately.
Thank you for your replies by the way, though most of them are more abusing me than giving opinions..
Okay, I understand if some of you disagree with me with the word “shit” I used to our players.  But what should I do? Call them good players while they’re actually shit because i’m a Chelsea fan? I remember many of us calling Benayoun shit, and no one moans about it.
Don’t tell me to support other clubs, I’ve supported this club  before Ranieri and I’m still falling in love with this club.
“Fuck that Bayern and their treble winners, fuck that Manchester United with their PL trophies, Chelsea have the best squad, because of we’re Chelsea fans!” I’d rather be hated for criticizing our players than be an idiot wanker.
Ok, with big luck, our current squad have a chance to win the trophy. But hoping for luck sucks. And how are our bench players? Their levels are so far far far away from our starting XI. Football is 90 minutes, 11 players on the pitch, and 5 players on the bench.
Footballers deserve to be criticized. Especially if you get paid more than 100.000 pounds severy week ^_^. Do you know Chelsea had to pay about 17 billion pounds for wages last season? Oh of course you don’t because Roman will always take care of it. If they get paid twice your father gets a month (or even more) for playing like piece of shit, they should be called shit.
This is internal site for Chelsea fans, we don’t have to pretend our team is the best team in the world. We know the condition of our squad exactly.
Will I support the likes of Marin, Moses, Torres and other craps? As long as they are wearing Chelsea kits, I will support them with all of my heart. I was screaming like bitch when Torres scored against Everton in our last game of PL.
For the people who said Cech wasn’t good last season, I don’t know what kind of shit you smoke, but please stop. It’s damaging your brain.
For the people who said our players need more time for adapting, I quite agree with you. But for Moses, I lost my faith. He is not our level, mate. Oscar is always good for Brazil, probably because he’s hasn’t been pushed to play on the flanks.  But for 25m pound player, you have to play where the manager wants you to play. Marin is shit, no excuse. If he’s good enough, the manager would play him instead of Benayoun.
For our defenders. For your record, my favorite players of current squad are Cahill, Terry, and Hazard. But I called Cahill and Terry shits, didn’t I? That’s because I accept the truth. Cahill is limited defender, did as much tackles as Hazard did last season. Terry is our captain, but you’ve seen his recent performances. Ivanovic is dumb, and Luiz lacks of defending ability.
Oh and i saw some of you said Dante is crap haha. Dante is miles better than David Luiz. Dante should have been in Brazil starting XI if the manager is not as dumb as Scolari. Boateng is not so good, i agree. The people who gave this opinion might only watch Bayern in CL games.
For the comment said “we finished above Arsenal, Spurs, Everton, Liverpool in PL”, hahaha this comment shows how you expect your team finish at the end of season. I’ve never said Arsenal or Spurs or Everton or Liverpool are good team. Comparing our team to those mediocre clubs are disgrace for Chelsea. If you want to be the best team, compare your team to the best.
I knew we can’t and won’t change the half squad. Jose Mourinho said he plans to win the PL trophy on his second season here. He knows this team is not good enough for title fight. He said something about stability on his last presser, i hope this will be new era of Chelsea. New era with the manager we love.. sounds good.
I can understand if they’re not talented, but giving his 100% in game for the fans, for the club, for his pride. All i’ve seen every day is the players with no effort get paid with huge loads of money.
Yes, i don’t want our team spend millions pounds on transfer window, and want to see the player improve next season. But are we ready for trophyless years? Can we take the critizm of other fans with the reality we possibly won’t get trophy for couple of years until this team ready for big competition? Don’t deny this. We have grown to be glory hunters, wanting many trophies every season, we have turned to be Roman Abramovich.
I will keep writing my opinions here, until the GM gets me out of this site. So get used to it. This is my opinion, you have yours. it always works that way -Crissandy


36 thoughts on “Chelsea players who are not good enough (Part II)

  1. Aminu Jibril

    Nice write up mate.

  2. Interesting points, but this felt more like a Facebook post than an article…try and stay objective and explain your points as well..

    • gerrycrissandy

      To be fair, it’s not an article, It’s my response to readers opinions of my previous article. My english is fucking crap, and I don’t have a facebook too. Haha

  3. Anonymous

    You must be on very cheap drugs to imagine Chelsea spending 17billion pounds on wages.

    • hahahaha i laughed as hell when i read this..17 billions?does this guy knows what he is talking about?the richest man on the planet carlos slim has his wealth estimated at about 55 billions and you are telling me chelsea spend 17 billions only on wages..this is so funny

  4. You are fuckinn retarded if u think Chelsea spent 17 billion on wages last season

  5. Another stupid article! hahaha I feel really sorry u admin if you think scolari is dumb! first learn who is scolari and how many trophies did he won before taping shit.i do agree with u half of our squard are awful but every player don’t need to be like Messi. the only thing is that we fans we are pathetic somehow, the likes of Torres, Terry and Lampard are overrated for sure!…look for example Ramires, this guy helped us won the CL and FA (2012), how many games did he help us to win, comeback when we are down…? i can even count it. we need to give credits where they deserve to be, not juste because that one is a legend,or for example those gays who keep screaming when there is report linking Torres out… that is really pathetic….everyone know that Chelsea with Torres up front can’t win nothing more than EUROPA

  6. Another stupid article! hahaha I feel really sorry u admin if you think scolari is dumb! first learn who is scolari and how many trophies did he won before typing shit.i do agree with u half of our squard are awful but every player don’t need to be like Messi. the only thing is that we fans we are pathetic somehow, the likes of Torres, Terry and Lampard are overrated for sure!…look for example Ramires, this guy helped us won the CL and FA (2012), how many games did he help us to win, comeback when we are down…? i can even count it. we need to give credits where they deserve to be, not juste because that one is a legend,or for example those gays who keep screaming when there is report linking Torres out… that is really pathetic….everyone know that Chelsea with Torres up front can’t win nothing more than EUROPA

  7. Vaibhav Kumble

    Dint bother to read the article again.. thank god I dint waste my time on such Shit.. lol…

  8. ok. i saw your point. but i didn’t agree to much. a part of our squad is young, they need time to improve, and adapt to new condition. wtih some old players, i think it’s time for them to leave. and young player, we need one more chance

  9. Nice write up. The truth is always bitter dear. Chelsea depended on its name and reputation last session more that football sense and confident. We played many finals and could only manage one trophy. At a point one could no longer bet on Chelsea. Thank God the Special one is back.

  10. worst article ever,chelsea is worth one billion so hw can u pay 17 billion wages

  11. Ur nt a straight forward writer….today u will say dis and nxt 2mao u wil say anoda tin….be real my friend

  12. your articles are pure putrid shit. hell you are shit.

  13. Anonymous

    Poor article

  14. I love chelsea but new boss should not made mistake of selling playmaker JuanMata no

  15. San Marine

    very well written mate. ilike folks like these who are honest with their opinion. the best part was blaming some chelsea fans who continue to call the worst players as great because they belong to chelsea. one point of disagreement though, criticism was harsh. even i wanna see bran and luiz leave, but cahill to me is our best defender currently and is exceptional in tackling. like to see more articles from you mate, cheers 😀

    • Vaibhav Kumble

      What bullshit are u talking mate.. somebody writes crap and u agree to it?!! Disillusioned you are.. this writer only looks to grab attention and u seem eager to join him.. the one below is also part of that few attention seekers

  16. Seriously these shit players who earn so much need to leave the club, now can you kindly list them for me (us).

  17. Hahahahaha……………I knew it had to b Criss writtin dis stuff……lol, ama kip laffiin wit feet in d air for 2 weeks.

  18. and another dumb article by crissandy… who spends 17 billion on wages? are you freaking retarded? calling dante better than luiz is just asking for trouble. Sure dante is a very good defender but i don’t remember him being better than luiz in the second half of the season.. Get you facts right, dude, because your articles are worse than a teenage girl’s dreamy rants!

  19. Crissandy is the best writer i’ve seen around here….I don’t knw y many Chelsea fans refuse to admit to facts.I follw Arsenal forum at times nd they all criticize d like of Gervinho and Giroud to be a shit in the squard.Why for heck sake we can’t just digest the fact that moses has been a shit too…From statistic,Moses can’t complete a good cross.Luiz can’t defend aerial duel.Cahil can only time tackles but struggle against quick strikers (Benteke),Bertrand can’t defend and attack is awfull such is his cross too.Mikel is not consistent 4 chelsea class.Toress can’t get the ball behind the net.Oscar is a genius in Brazillian squard y nt in chelsea.So tell me, is dt nt half of d squad that is shit…Please,let’s not shy away from the truth.Imagine Shakhtar Donetsk out played us home nd away last season.Can’t even win a game comfortably against southampton and QPR without hazard nd mata.So,what are we talking about…They’re all shit.

    • gerrycrissandy

      There are many forum of Chelsea fans talk that our players are shit too. The readers here, yet to accept the truth, that’s what I’m going to do here.

      • Vaibhav Kumble

        U need to first grow up and learn to hear the truth and the facts.. and the truth and the fact is that your articles are SHIT..

    • Sharp thgiiknn! Thanks for the answer.

    • I told my kids we’d play after I found what I needed. Damnit.

  20. 1st i dont agree on cech’s opinion(take a good look at chicharito’s sublime header), second if torres would have been taken our penalty He would have been among top goal scorers in EPL, scond if there is no tranfer(swap) between torres-CAVANI they should get lewandolski or Bony for me.

  21. Dante better than David Luiz and Chelsea spending £17 billion on wages??? Naah….won’t say you are on drugs….that would be saying it’s the drug’s effect….
    You jst don’t know what you’re saying

  22. Oscar is a CAM not a winger but he has done a pretty decend job there, you ask why he is brilliant for Brazil and not for us? Position, he plays CAM in the Brazil team his natural position. But you raised quite an idiotic point saying he should be also magnificent in that position if the coach requires him there, well how about we take Mikel and make him our striker and take Cech as our CAM and put Mata in goal, does that tickle your fancy? Another point is Cech he was good last season but he wasn’t his brilliant best, hes throws and goal kick were somewhat wayward, his decision making at times was suspect so please don’t say he was brilliant, he was good. And please refrain from using such offensive words such as shit, we know you know the word and also do not say other fans are crazy. You are trying to enforce your opinion on others, you really don’t knw as much as you think.

    • gerrycrissandy

      The manager is not that stupid to play Mikel as GK, or anything you said. Oscar is nowhere near Mata’s level as CAM, and he would not play there as long as Mata is available. Period

  23. imoroa abiodun christian

    i wil prety advise u to stop droping any articles on dis website, all ur say abt cfc players are non sense, and stop calling people shit, it does nt show maturity on u even kw wat is billions of pouns,cfc spend 17 billion pouns, or are u an illitrate writer? be warned.

  24. Whats wrong with you? Seriously?

  25. gerrycrissandy

    17 billions, include staff, managers, and academy players wage. That’s the information I’ve got.

  26. gerrycrissandy

    Oh I’ve researched it again, and it’s £172m not £72b. My bad, sorry. Ok, you win, I’m a cunt haha

  27. gerrycrissandy

    Oh I’ve researched it again, and it’s £172m not £72b. My bad, sorry. Ok, you win, I’m a cunt haha, sorry

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