Jose Mourinho – not the one for Chelsea

Jose Mourinho
Before I begin, please note that everything in this article is my personal opinion and in no way, shape or form reflects the views of this website. 
It was announced on Monday evening that Jose Mourinho and Real Madrid will be parting ways this season. Mourinho’s contract will be terminated at the beginning of June and he will receive no compensation. It was a mutual decision by both Jose and the club.
Most Chelsea fans are very excited and anxious and hope that it’ll be Chelsea that Mourinho joins in the summer. However, it should be noted that PSG and Manchester City are also interested in reeling in “the Special One”. He’s regarded as one of the best managers since 2000 and has certainly been one of the most entertaining managers, whether it was his press conferences, touch-line antics or his comments to referees and players. Mourinho is certainly one of a kind and there aren’t many managers like him.
While many Chelsea fans hope that Mourinho will join, I’m not the biggest fan of the proposed move to Chelsea. It’s not that I hate Mourinho, I like him, but his tactics and philosophy is becoming out-dated.
His tenure at Madrid has been a failure and “the worst” in his words, he has only challenged for the league title once in 3 seasons and has been tactically outsmarted almost every season in the Champions League. He has usually been more of a motivator than a tactician and his time at Madrid has shown just how incompetent he can be tactically. He has been exposed badly. He has so much talent and money at his disposal and he has shown he was unable to create a great team, instead the team he has built isn’t even a team in the truest sense of the word. Instead Real Madrid are a bunch of world class individuals totally unorganized, defensively suspect and a team that plays one dimensional shit on a stick football. His only trick is his “us against the world” tactic and at a club like Madrid that doesn’t cut it, as they aren’t the underdog, they are probably the biggest club in the world.

Just not good enough..
Just not good enough..

The first leg against Dortmund, “it was hilarious seeing how clueless Mourinho was” as described by a Spanish commentator, Madrid have better players than Dortmund but it looks Mourinho sent his team out on the pitch totally unprepared. Madrid’s fans must be fuming seeing their team play this kind of football after all that money spent.
What’s more is Madrid sacrificed some of their football philosophy by appointing Mourinho and they haven’t been awarded with success. Mourinho’s playing style and antics off the field have damaged Madrid’s reputation, they used to be a club that played good football on the pitch with a lot of dignity off it. Under Mourinho, they have been the opposite… so Madrid are now back to square one. Looks like you need a new manager and a overhaul of the squad in the summer.
3 consecutive CL semi final appearances, one league title win out of 3 against arguably one of the best teams ever. That’s something that most Mourinho fans use against the argument that he’s outdated and his era is began to fade away.
But it’s the fact he only challenged for the league title once in three years. So he hasn’t really been consistent has he? Not for the money and talent he has had at his disposal.
In the CL, overall he has gone crashing out against the first top team he has come up against. The exception being Man United, who I may add looked like going through until going down to 10 men. Mourinho has been tactically outclassed in Europe, his team has more often than not looked average against other top teams. This, added to the damage he has caused Real Madrid’s reputation and image makes his tenure a failure IMO.
He was hired to win the CL. Make no mistake about it and he has failed.
This Real Madrid team is the most expensive football squad in history. Yet…. Of those that stayed at the Bernabeu for 3+ complete seasons, Mou is the coach with the least titles in the history of Real Madrid.
It’s going to take years for Madrid to recover from his tenure, he has humiliated the club’s icon players. He has took every ounce of dignity and class that your club had and shit on it because of his shameless behavior on and off the pitch all the way through his tenure (there is too many incidents to mention) and most of all because your team still doesn’t have an identity and a proper system of play in place. That’s the most shameful part for Mourinho. His league title was partly down to injuries to key Barcelona players and his team blatantly getting helped by the linesmen and referees on numerous occasions.
Now, I’ll get to the Chelsea and Mourinho situation.
I also think it is dangerous to go back to Chelsea because we are set up similarly to Madrid in many ways. I can’t see him turning that side into a good defensive side unless he is willing to buy new CB’s and CM’s. If Abramovich is willing to change style and pay for that change then he will succeed but in truth, he should have never second guessed him with Shevchenko+Ballack plus going back to an old club doesn’t go well that often. He would be better off at City.
Mourinho’s Chelsea was built on a great defence that was protected by a solid midfield which had a Lampard who contribute many goals and a Robben who was unstoppable along with the great Drogba. This current Chelsea side has a Robben in Hazard although he is not at Robben’s level. We have Mata who is creative on the wing to much higher extent than was Duff.
However our midfield has no Makelele and Lampard now plays the Cm position in which he is not world class and capable of getting goals but he doesn’t protect the midfield.
Chelsea’s defence is nothing like it used to be. Ivanovic is good next to a leader in defence and Terry is too old for that. Cahill/Luiz might not be good enough. Luiz might have a future in midfield, but while he is comfortable on the ball he is neither good enough to distribute from deep nor solid enough to be anchor next to a more ball playing type.
Chelsea have the money and they can built a good team but it won’t be as good as the first Chelsea team. He has to get the striker right (Cavani/Falcao) and be willing not to start Lampard/Terry and quite possibly discard Cahill/Luiz in defence which would mean writing of the defence they bought for the future. Mourinho would be better off going to City which already has the makings of a good defence and a good midfield and just needs a new striker.
This all being said, I don’t believe Mourinho is the best option for Chelsea considering his failed tenure at Real Madrid.
Please note that everything in this article is my personal opinion and in no way, shape or form reflects the views of this website. 
If you have any comments or questions, you can either post them in the comment section below or tweet me (username below). Please refrain from any abuse, I would greatly appreciate it. 



54 thoughts on “Jose Mourinho – not the one for Chelsea

  1. Anonymous


    • Anonymous

      I agree

    • I’m just giving a different perspective of the situation and I believe I have some solid reasoning and logic behind it. And I’m the GM of the site, so I will not be firing myself anytime soon.

      • U have gone nuts . Jose is the one for chelsea . ur opinion sucks .

    • If your arcetlis are always this helpful, “I’ll be back.”

  2. First, let me out myself as a fairly new football fan who followed his first club–Real Madrid–from 2010, the season Mou joined. I became a fan of this club because Mesut Ozil joined the club, and I soon became a Mou fan. As my fandom grew, I re-watched a bunch of the major matches Mou managed for Inter and Chelsea.
    I think EKVR touched on a valid weakness of Mou’s–at the big clubs he’s struggled more to win the CL. I think the reason for this is that big clubs aren’t able or smart enough to commit to Mou’s tactics and ideology enough to give him the tools he needs to win the cup. At Chelsea Ballack & Sheva were the contentious points; at Madrid it was a terribly ineffective transfer window before the 2012-3 season which saw the team lose 3 central midfielders (though they got Modric) and failing to cover the declining striker, central defender, rightback, and defensive midfield starters. The rightback and defensive midfield problems were issues Mou was complaining about since Spring 2012, so the failure to fully secure these positions especially for a club like Madrid, has to be placed on a complacent boardroom. The fact that Casillas went into a terrible dip in form without adequate cover also stoked more nativist controversy in Spain which helped a mercenary press get the public against him.
    You bring Mou’s tenure at Madrid as an example of his tactical shortcomings, but as a guy who has watched most of the biggest matches a Mou team has played in, I can say that Madrid was the least Mourinhoist of Mou teams. There’s a level of political infighting at a club like Madrid & Barca which make Chelsea’s boardroom gaffs just look like childs play. In particular, Madrid’s nativism and ego from winning a bunch of CL’s a long time ago ensure that none of their managers ever get that much support from the board, and even worse the press can usually precipitate the firing of managers years ahead of their conclusion.
    In England & at Chelsea, that sort of nativisim isn’t as strong. Also, Chelsea’s boardroom makes sure that in each transfer window it has challenged itself so that the first team is secure with world-beaters in almost all the positions.

  3. I think you just hate Mou and Chelsea,remeber Mou said that he has a better relationship with the players and fans at the Bridge so whether you critisize or hate him,he is our bets choice.Just remember his achievements at Chelsea.

  4. Absolute rubbish article! Stick to being GM.

  5. No offense… But Honestly ur opinion sucks this time.. I really believed u had a gud sense of judgement most of the time i read articles from this site. Yes Mourinho had a difficult spell in spain but that doesn’t pitured him to be an outdated tactician. I beleived the problem Jose had at Real were; Egos, Stubborness, Players Galacticos Mindset, Unwillingness, players complancency and Madrid itself. Everybody at Madrid were in over their heads. Who’s really going to listen carefully?. @ Porto, Chelsea N Inter Milan, it was different. No players were said to be invincible or have huge bran ds names that made them feel superior over all other opponents. Therefore, they didn’t have any form of complancency sinking at the back of their heads because they knew they had to prove their worth and not like Real Madrid Galacticos who already felt like winners before they could even embark on their quest to glory. If only the players at Real could realise that in modern football, there’s always a david who is ready to kill a Goliath, they would have known that not a single fight should be taken for granted because there’s always a David lurking in the corning.
    Mourinho is a world class coah who has been clouded by some Bad Clouds in Madrid. So was Villas-Boas during his tenure at SW6.
    Greatness comes from being able to recover from setbacks and head for the next challenge.
    A wise head once said……
    “Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% Inspairation.”

    • dazman316

      couldnt of said that better myself.

    • True. The Galacticos thingy is in their DNA and with that comes ego, player power and all sorts of nonsense. I feel that Mourinho has done quite a good job at Madrid.

  6. Onyeka Emokam

    I was reading to see the reason why u said Mourinho is not good for chelsea but couldn’t see any thing,all your just saying here is stories abt Mourinho nd Real madrid,pls if u have nothing to write just quietly go back to ur sick bed,ok!

  7. Chris Marshall

    I have my reservation on Mourinho, but not for footballing reason, but for his antics. Have no doubt he is the best at what he does, maybe the pressure at Real became overwhelming, but saying his tactics is outdating is pure shit. How many times did he beat the supposed best team in the world this season or the last??
    My reseavation stems from his antics. We can’t afford the mess he brings with him. I suggest to friends the other day that we ve got to offer Mourinho TWO different contracts. The first is to manage Chelsea FC and the second to keep his fingers on his side, tongue in check and control his anger. No silliness, no funny stuff. No embrarrassment.

  8. Henderson

    JM is not the one for Chelseafc then who is?I thought that was why u cooked up such criticism?

  9. obike obinna

    honestly,am a big chelsea fan and i love mou too but lets be realistic here.with the type of players and football chelsea are playing now,i dont think mou should be our best hard feelings but we should think about it again

  10. Anonymous

    i feel chelsea`s style of play has changed since Mou’s time some years ago and this style is not in the same fabric as Mou likes his team to play. I clearly back your assertion on Mou”s tactics. this means that with him coming we are definitely not going to see good passing, flicks, showboating and beautiful football from the mazarca but rather a bullying drogba style of old. you could even see that Mou was only considered when coaches like Gaudiola, klopp and pelligrini decided not to take the job. so dont worry the writer he is only speaking his mind.

  11. freaky.timo

    I wldnt say this ws da worst article and call him an idiot people should read da lampard’s interview wer he advocates of each fan havin der personal view and this is one. So if u dnt like it ignore it. I personally dnt agree wth all da content of da article bt we need to think as da problems mou faced at real wer nt many in his opening season and he should hav got more of such a world class team. Again abt the chamipons league i wldnt rate real as da best team in da competition dey wernt evn close to it. Nw one important thing we need to prepare ourselves to see sme replacements in tym as many club legends are gettin old and mou cn hopefully get them rellaced. Bt i believe mou cn do well this on contrary of all da logic brought foreth in da article is coz he claimz to lov da club and da fans & playas lov him making sure der will be a unified support.
    No matter wat happens we will bleed blue till we die. Ktbffh……

  12. Hmmmm, very strong points abour Jose Mou weakness but i still think he wasn’t given enuf support at Real Madrid. But over here in Chelsea the fans want him, they love him and believe in him. We have a great team but lack a manager who had a strong winning mentality like Jose.

  13. I personally think most of the things you said are quiet preposterous to say the least utter nonsense but I do agree Mourinho is not for us. We have so much youth in our first team and by any youth standard they have been more than decent, could have been better but I personally think they were let down by the defence and the strikers. Mourinho will bring in old players to produce for a year or two and discard this awesome talent we have and honestly that will b painful to take. Next season the likes of Josh, De bryan, Lukaku, even Chalobah should be given a chance but with Mourinho at the helm tha is not going to happen and that is very sad.

  14. I agree,let’s keep sentiments aside….Mou is very good but he is not fit for what chelsea is building….his team is set up too defensively,too much drama,and I doubt u wud see him bring him youth thru this team(and don’t mention varane y’all knew he only decided to start hime when pepe got injured) quite simply u bring in mou,then say bye-bye to the youthful attacking football we so much crave

    • Anonymous

      I agree. And remember that the 1st Roman’s choice was Pep Guardiola…

  15. Best article ever..I’m never in support of mourinho’s reunion with cfc because he’ll never our youth playing time. He wld also like to rebuild this team by bringing in old and boring players and allow lampard playing in every game

  16. Well u̶̲̥̅̊ have said Ȋ̝̊̅†̥ all out of whatever reason that is best known to Ўΰ alone, nevertheless, he’s still good enough to manage top club thouugh am not druming support for his second coming as anticippated, i still cant describe how am fealing about Ȋ̝̊̅†̥. All d same Mou is still relevant ΑϞ∂ one of †ђƺ best coaches aroound. I woould have suggested u̶̲̥̅̊ wait ΑϞ∂ see †ђƺ performance of his succesor @ Madrid before u̶̲̥̅̊ criticise him cos Barca is still very much around.

  17. Anonymous

    I would want you to take a look at all the squads Mourinho has managed. What was odd with this R. Madrid side? Both at Chelsea and Inter Milan, Mou had a defensive engine in the midfield that protected the back four. Did he have this at R. Madrid? Nope. Madrid has quality players, no doubt about that. The only thing that Mou missed in Madrid was his ‘bully’ midfield. Plus the kind of game play that Mou was forced to adopt in Madrid by the board isn’t the kind of game play that propelled Mou to his current status.

  18. As long as chelsea have a good relationshipa with Mou, hope he can do great things at the Bridge.
    Forget about the past.

  19. Admin, You are wrong. We are better off with the ‘Mourinho tactics’ and win some trophies than Trial and error with another Manager.
    I support ‘The 2nd coming.’

  20. king Elijah Oluwadurotimi

    @ekvr you must be out of ur mind, how on earth will you bring something like this up, I believe you don’t know what you are doing. Some season’s back, you are part of those people who are praising this man and now becos of his time in madrid you start posting rubbish online. You are making me to hate this site you. You need to understand one thing here, Jose did what he thought could be done bt bcos of the hatred the fans in Madrid and Spain generally have for him it turned out to be the worst season for him and his career. Last season Jose broke and set some good record for himself and people aren’t looking at that. You must be scum ok. I hate ur article. Pls don’t bother to make comment on this. You this anti chelsea supporter, where is Isran, the guy seems to understand everything bout chelsea than you. Get there fcuk out of here.

    • I loved Mourinho when he was at Chelsea, true, but I don’t prefer him anymore. That doesn’t mean I’m not a Chelsea supporter or plastic. It means that I THINK HIS TACTICS ARE OUT-DATED AND AREN’T FIT FOR CHELSEA. Stop making ignorant assumptions mate. And this site is about ALL THINGS CHELSEA, hence why it’s CHELSEAFC360 not ChelseaFC180. We provide all angles.

      • Vaibhav Kumble

        Ignorant assumptions?!!!. U chose to delete my comments from your article cause I completely countered your article.. where are my comments?!!!

  21. for football is winning troph and winning big matches..i cnt wait 2 see jose mourinho back 2 chelsea….mourinho is the is the colour..long live chelsea..

  22. for football is winning troph and winning big matches..i cnt wait 2 see jose mourinho back 2 chelsea….mourinho is the is the colour..long live

  23. Tehseen Khan

    I have my reservations about Mourinho but he is tactically genius. The reason why he failed in Madrid because they have Galácticos phobea ..
    For me football is not about playing beautiful football its about winning trophies. By defensive is a proven tactics ” Good Defence is a strong Offence ” so im in favor of him comming back to chelsea..

    • The link between Porto, Chelsea and Inter is that all of them had no real opposition at the time they won their leagues when other teams caught up like Man U with CR7 and Rooney on fire Mourinhos magic faded or he was gone. I agree that with careful analyses Madrid only won the league due to six months injury od David Villa Abidal all season Puyol on and off the team and age playing a part. CHELSEA DON’T NEED CONTROVERSY AGAINST THE FA PRESS AND REFS AND CAN WIN THINGS THE SAME WAY MOUR WILL, BUYING QUALITY TO STRENGHEN A TEAM ON THE WAY UP THANKS TO A MORE DOWN TO EARTH RAFA. FORGET ABOUT MINE AND YOURS OPINION. PLEASE COMENT ON THIS REAL FACTS AND JUDGE WITH BRAINS AND NOT WITH THE HEART
      May 21, 2013 • 5:12 PM
      Last games of mourinho as chelsea manager:
      v Rosemborg (CL)1-1 draw september
      v Blackburn 0-0 (home) draw sept 15
      v Aston Villa (away) 0-2 defeat sept 2
      v Portsmouth 1-0 (Home) win August
      v Liverpool 1-1 (away) draw August
      v Reading 1-2 (away) win August
      v Birmingham 3-2 (home) win August 12 2007
      v Man U 1-1 lost 3-0 pens (C Shield)
      pre season
      v feyenoord 1-1 draw july 2007
      v Rangers 0-2 defeat
      v Everton 1-1(home) draw May 13 2007
      v Man U 0-0 (home) draw may
      v Arsenal 1-1 away (draw)
      v Liverpool 0-1 away (lost) 1-4 pens (CL) May 1 2007
      v Bolton 2-2 home (draw) April 28
      v Newcastle 0-0 away (draw) April 22 2007
      v Liverpool 1-0 home (win) CL

  24. Outdated, boring, classless? Yep, sounds about right.
    I knew when I first read this piece that it wouldn’t be long until the Mourinho fanboys showed up having a fit over it – and sure enough, here they are.
    Essentially everything you’ve said is spot on. His football is defensive and boring, his style is outdated, and his character as a man is disgraceful. He’s an egomaniac who’s made everything about him wherever he’s been and the club – and its image – are of little concern to him whatsoever. Just look at the way he’s destroyed Real. Players in revolt, fans detesting him and wanting him gone, the entire Spanish football community condemning his embarrassing antics throughout his stint, etc. You can even look at his time at Chelsea for examples of this guy’s classlessness, from calling Arsene Wenger a “voyeur”, to inventing false referee misconduct conspiracies, etc.
    His aim is to get results and win trophies in the present with virtually zero regard for the future. He stays at a club 2 or 3 seasons then hightails off to the next thing after his trademark “us against the world” garbage gets old and stops working with the players. He focuses not one modicum on youth (and no, Mou fanboys, playing Varane in a few matches doesn’t suddenly make him a ‘youth developer’…) and considering the talent in CFC’s young loanees as well as the academy, the absolute last person I want in charge of their futures at Chelsea is this guy.
    He’s also a chequebook manager who splashed huge amounts on players, almost exclusively ones that are at their peak, so that not only are their transfer fees at their absolute summit, but they’re also of little use 2 or 3 years down the road.
    Every way you look at it, he’s the wrong fit. I’m afraid this is just a case of people living in the past and thinking that simply putting his signature on a contract will transport us all back to 2004, completely ignoring all of the complications and disconnects between him and where Chelsea are looking to go (and indeed have already started to go).
    If Roman and the board were wise, they wouldn’t go anywhere near this guy.

  25. The one who bleeds blue

    You have rightfully pointed out some futile points but i want to add a point and speak against other few
    He hasnt stayed at a club for more than 4 years and after he leaves, the club is almost destroyed when he leaves.
    The player egos and club politics of chelsea are nothing compared to madrid. players here respect mou.
    i just hope that he promotes youth

  26. Henderson

    @evkr then who is the man for Chelsea?the saint?the updated?the humble ?the peacemaker ?common name it ?and I will say u better call God ,mourinho is just a man like u,EVERY COACH has a fault

  27. Anonymous

    Really folks I don’t like the anti-mourinho article! He doesn’t care about the future, fine, but his legacy leaves in the heart of chelsea fans. What more to love and to be loved! He brought us drogba, drogba brought us the champions league, regardless of the years it came. Bring him to chelsea, bring mourinho back! S

    • Vaibhav Kumble

      Where the hell are my comments??!! Have they been deleted? ?

  28. Mou is a calculating machine,he will program our new breed into winners… There will be silverware that’s for sure. Now swagger might be on the low but sir Alex will be watching his beloved red getting moulded and he better get used to it. ITS TIME TO RULE people. It’s a bold move by board new team-old winning recipe.. We do have great youth n he will tap into that n I think that mou will be looking to impress especially in that area… Bring him in Roman, and thanks for listening. The best owner ever…

  29. Mr. GM, WTF is my comment?!! You deleted it?!! If you arnt gonna suck up criticisms of ur article, tf are u even writing for?! I rate this site really high, but damn this is a dent on ur image. This article isn’t abt mourinho bin no fit for Chelsea, this is an article analysing his final season at Madrid. I still don’t see a legit point that reference the article title. Write a proper article that isn’t crap, n let them all stop painting the image that this is a ‘spot on’ article. Its not, they lying! …and yeah, Mr, 11 or whatever, its isn’t abt bin a mou-fanboy! Its abt convincing the Chelsea fanbase mou isn’t good for us, and this article ddnt do that. Stop talking trash abt bin a mou fanboy!

    • Vaibhav Kumble

      Same here buddy.. my comments have been deleted too..I had given facts which totally proved his article wrong. And now some ppl are supporting his article w/o understanding the obivous flaws of the article.. This GM has really left me disappointed. What an abuse of power.

  30. guys you should all undertsand that Mou is not the right guy for chelsea, we are looking to build a youthful team that plays with verve and swagger not the boring old lions that go along pushing, shoving and bullyong opponents. we want to play football not rugby. hate me all you want but in about two to three years Mou will customarily leave selling all the youngters and leaving us with an old rugged and wretched team.

  31. Best article i have seen here.rubbish coach who will spoil our much beloved attacking midfielders

  32. Oh yes and you forgot what he did at inter milan and only remember what he done at Madrid.??have you forgotten that real is a typical attacking team?.in the last 5 seasons,2 clubs have dorminated club football;Barcelona and Bayern.which other team(save for Dortmund(in which mourinho played a duck for a defender in Pepe) has Madrid ever lost to?.Did you take into consideration the Spanish-portugese crisis that caused all this for jose?(How can team players vote against their team members because they judged him as arrogant?)And you think the team will be harmonious enough to be at peace?.ronaldo and casillas had ego issues,which degenerated to do you expect a coach to leave his sole scoring player,who amassed over 200 goals in 4 saesons for club for a silly spanish legendary ‘aging’keeper?.Get your facts right,that madrid team was no team because there was no love and unity in there.!!Stop blaming jose for a stupid club’s irresponsible chaos and meddling.the players are all to blame for their poor judgement.mourinho has the love and support of Chelsea fans and he will have it again and again and again!!He will win the league not moyes ,not wenger,not pellegrini!.last article,you said falcao is old,shouldn’t come,you only insult benitez for doing a good job at Chelsea and here you are now trying to tell Mourinho he should head on to city??so who do you think is good for chelsea as coach?Rogers?Mancini??Martinez!!!?? Or even mick McCarthey!!??,lol.You my friend,are a city fan,I know.

  33. This is massive massive article.I think my opinion is divided here..We’re all craving swagger and flick ons,i think Arsenal as done that over the years and nothing to show for it.Again,Man U being the most Successfully club in the league have manage to win 13 trophies under the genius of SAF with down the flanks and cross tactic only for evry pundits and the likes to affirm that he’s the best manager ever to grace the league.Evry manager has his own winning formular.Barcelonia tiki taka hav taken a nose dive this season.Do we say it’s out dated.Hello,i never saw any hitch wrong with Mou tactic.AVB seems to have a carboncopy of Mou tactic only for evry one to applaud.I think Mou set up his team with potential available at his disposal.Can our hallow Mr GM name a manager that buy an Under 21 to win trophies.Alsceloti(spelling) sold matic to buy liuz,SAF brought RVP (29) to win 20 Epl title .SAF once said…”you can’t win anything with kids”..I’m not against youth development but i think what we lack this season is that element of expirience in Hazard,Oscar, moses nd the likes.i think the so called old guard have won it all for us this season.lampard Cl qualificatn an Iva Europa.What else.What mou can help do is to invest RA money in expirience nd potential in the window add with our youth at hand,instil winning mentality in the lad and the sky is the limit.Remember it either Trophies or sexy Football (Arsenal).We’ll be fine.Finger crossed .Welcome back jose….

  34. ShawnS'tha

    luiz cannot distribute the ball? hazard not as good as robben when he was at chelsea? and mou tactics not useful anymore? have u gone really nuts? i bet ur ass will be praising mou once he will be at chelsea wining trophies. talking abt spain it feels like the press holds more power then the board. the press hated him giving him stick for everything. the fans never reall got behind him and worst of all the players didnt support him. manager alone cannot make a team champion. he makes tactics and plans but u need players to initiate that on the field and tha fans to support that which wasnt the case. just assembling the most expensive of footballers doesnt make a team if u dont have unity. take ballon d’or for instance. who did cassilas vote for? Ramos, was it a true vote for talent or just egos clashing. and u said barca key players got injured so madrid won the troply, do u even have any idea how many points madrid got on that season? 100, out of that how many were against barca and do u actually believe barca would have got more then that… being a gm u should have had more knowledge. and talking abt chelsea and mou its excactly opposite to madrid. players would die for him in the field and fans love him like no other. even english media cherish him. chelsea and madrid is recipe for success.

    • ShawnS'tha

      i meant chelsea and mou.

      • Vaibhav Kumble

        Dont be suprised if your article gets deleted tomorrow bro.. he deleled mine and one of eniola.. all the proper counters to his pathetic article have been deleted.

  35. Why u live real madrid u choose to go chelsea

  36. dnt agree with u let wait afta two years

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