Juan Mata the Honest Man

I watched the Sky Sports special report with Juan Mata which came out just before the Europa League final and then watched it again a few night’s ago along with his interview after he won the Chelsea Player of the Year Award. I have been wanting to write an article about Mata for some time now and I think a few things he said in the interview’s I actually can now talk about him.
On the Pitch:
On the pitch he is a fighter and never gives up, this is his second season for Chelsea with 20goals and 37assist’s this season for a midfielder that is outstanding and you can see how important he is for us., if it wasn’t for him we would of been a lot worse off this season than we actually are. I mean just look at a few game’s for example, take out his goals and assist’s and we would of: Lost to Spurs at White Hart Lane and Arsenal at the Emirates, drawn with United at Old Trafford. These are just 3 games and if you think about it they where big game’s where we got 9 points because he scored or assited in those matches 4goals and 2assist’s. 2 Goals where winners another goal brought us level and the last goal put us two ahead. Both assist’s put us ahead in 2 games. He leads by example and for a 25 year old he play’s with the Drive and Bite that we see from the Old Guard. He is been Chelsea’s Player of the Year 2 years running and he rightly deserves it he has been pivotal for us this season yet again.
Off the Pitch:
Now for off the pitch he is a humble man and well educated. He likes to read books and you will always see in his blog a book he suggests you read this book or go visit somwhere London. You can see also in his blog he still holds Spain close to his heart as he watches the football from there and you see he updates about the games over the weekend on his blog. If you watch the interview on Sky Sports you also see he is a very good table tennis player even though he admits at the end of the game Oriol Romeu let him win.
What’s his ambition?:
In the Sky Sport interview and in the Chelsea article “Word’s with Mata Part two” he was asked what he would like to win next and his eye’s had that sparkle of determination and belief that he wanted to win the Premier League next and he said he believed with the way the squad is going they could do it next season. Also in the Sky Sports interview he was asked if he would ever want to captain Chelsea, he just smiled and said maybe. This makes my views on him even stronger about him becoming our next captain, He is a good leader, leads by example and fights hard for the team with the determination and grit that we come to expect from Lampard and Terry.
In his free time:
In his free time he says he relaxes in his flat by reading or looking out of his telescope, he goes for walks around London, he meets up with his friends who have moved over from Spain. He also meets up a lot with Oriol Romeu and Torres he says, which is understandable as they all play for Spain and for Chelsea.
Chelsea player of the Year x2:
So he’s won it for the second year in a row and he deserves it so much. He has been one of our most consistent players for us over the two season. Mata, Cole, Cech, Lampard, Ramires and Ivanovic have been the most consistent players for us over the past two seasons. In his Interview after receiving the award Mata didn’t really talk much about receiving the award but he more gave praise to Lampard where I think Mata thought Lampard should of won the award, he congratulated Frank on receiving the new contract and for becoming the top goal scorer for the club. He said he felt honoured too have won this award two years in a row like Lampard and that he has won this award like many other great Chelsea players where he listed a few of them.
He respects his teammates:
If you read all the interviews by him he doesn’t really like taking the praise, he usually gives praise to his teammates. Already you’ve heard Mata talk about Lampard but here’s a few more(Just a few parts of what he said about the players):
Torres- Sky Sports Special Report: If you watch him in training he is working hard, always trying to improve. If people watched him in training and didn’t just judge him on performance’s he would not nearly get the amount of criticism he does. He is a hard work and a great teammate.
Oriol Romeu- Interview after Mata tributed his goal to Oriol: He’s upset really upset about being out for so long, he was looking forward to the Winter schedule as he would get in a lot of playing time with so many game’s coming along and with Mikel going to AFCON, he felt like this was his chance. He’s positive though, he works hard and pushes himself to become better, he knows what’s expected of him when he comes back from injury but he is staying calm about it. He is a really cool head which is great to have in a team.
Oscar+Hazard- Midway through the season: I enjoy playing with them not just because they are great footballers but because they both like to play a Tiki Taka style of passing like me. With Oscar he is elegant and classy, he works hard and he knows the buzz that surrounds and what reputation he has to live up too. With Hazard he is quick footed, skillful and for his size has extremely good balance, he knows what some of the football greats compare him to but he doesn’t like to think of that he works hard on and off the pitch and makes sure he can beat himself. As a three are working hard to become better used to each other and know each others movements we are becoming very close and with the other attacking players we are getting more tuned to each other which will benefit everyone in the team.
All in all, I think Mata is a very honest and humble player not like some of the players you get where the money has gone straight to their head and buy lot of stupid things.
What do you think of Mata? Leave you comments of him below.


5 thoughts on “Juan Mata the Honest Man

  1. Briliant write up, i’v always mentioned that if we relieve JT of his armband the person who should get it would be Mata. He’s dedicated, humble, a leader, a fighter, and he always gives his all for the team. His not really outspoken but his very influencial to our play Up Juan Mata, Up Chelsea FC. KTBFFH

  2. He is a player I like a lot.he is a focused youngman and level headed;He deserves all he has won so far. I hope he goes on to become the greatest of all the chelsea legend,coz he deserves to be,even after all he has achieved in his first 2 seasons(UCL and Europa cups).Viva juan Mata.You will win lots of trophies with Chelsea.jose,this is a yong man you will like to work with,never think of selling him pleeeaaassee sir!.lov u.

  3. Good man

  4. Brilliant article, I also think Mata is a true gentleman, so humble, he always wants to deflect attention from himself to people he thinks deserve it if more players were like him this world would be a much better place. I’d hate Mourinho if he ever sold Mata he is pur class, together with Oscar and Hazard they magical together

  5. Mata the tactician n magical player

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