Marko Marin, why we should keep him!

Marko Marin came to Chelsea FC already becoming a name worshipped by the Werder Bremen fans. Nick-named as the ‘German Messi’, he rightfully earned this title, not by his goal scoring prowess, but his ability to dribble, and of course laying down goals, and of course, his diminutive height adds to it. He was said to be among those set of ‘gifted’ players who could take on the European football by storm. And with a move to Chelsea, it all fell into place. But somewhy, the stars haven’t shined upon him with us. I, for myself, was a fan of him, prior to his move to Chelsea, and his move to my beloved club outshined my excitement of us signing even Mata. I always told everyone that this lad will be even better than what Mata is been with Chelsea. To my dismay that is. And now that he is been officially labeled a Waste of money’, many are calling out to sell him. So I thought, maybe il provide a counter to that thought, and these are the reasons why:
1)Different approach compared to Mata, Hazard or Oscar
Marko Marin provides you with acute dribbling, smooth moves and of course, assists. He doesn’t have much of a keen eye for goals, and while people might look at this as a disadvantage, I’d say it’s better. We have a heck load of players who look for scoring, Marin is something outside the box in that aspect. He will look to help others score, and there is doubt over that.
2) Hasn’t yet got enough chances
While even the misfiring Torres and the faded away Yossi Benayoun got chances to play, Marko was held back owing to injuries. And I think he atleast deserves another full season before we label him a flop. Hopefully he will have an injury free season.
3) We need a ‘Salomon Kalou’
What did Salomon Kalou stand for? Id say super sub. He wasn’t the best options to put in the starting line up, but as a sub, he often saved our asses. Marin could do that now. He isn’t too annoyed at being benched, that we can see, and ofcourse, he is talented. We are going to have a highly talented squad next season, and we do need players to stand by the side and support the team whenever needed.
4) He is only 24

Okaay, 24 isnt the youngest now, but it isn’t old either. There are many cases of players blooming in their after 25’s, and Marin could he that. And we are in the market for players who are in their 25’s and 26’s, so 24 isnt too old.
5) He won’t fetch much either.
If we indeed decide to sell him now, he won’t fetch more than 8-10m, that too is farfetched for me. His wages are said to be around 35k per week, which must not be much for a club like Chelsea.
6) Tired of being labeled as ‘Career destroyers’
Okay, this is probably the only reason I have taken the time out to write this article down. I’m pretty tired of people claiming Chelsea is a place where few people make their careers, and most often ends up destroying it. I don’t like it one bit. It is wrong as hell, but Marin could change it all. He has the potential to level up. He is good, I can guarantee it. And if he leaves Chelsea, he WILL bloom elsewhere soon, and there you go, we become the club who are impatient again.
This is probably the lamest article I have written on a subject, but had to write it down as it kept bothering me that everyone wants this guy out, even without giving him a proper chance to prove himself. And more annoyed on the subject because I know he has potential, and he can become one of our important players.
What do you think? Should we give Marko another chance? Or is it a waste of efforts? And its better to let him leave? Leave your thoughts in the comments section.


19 thoughts on “Marko Marin, why we should keep him!

  1. why not if we give torres 3 seasons to improve,shouldnt we give atleast 1 more!!

    • then again we would have to fight to be in top 4 again next season…-.-…if chelsea aren’t ready to cut their losses then they would have to atleast consider a loan move for torres to see if he hits back to his top form which i doubt

      • Loaning out Torres ain’t that easy as it may sound due to his huge wages…

      • Loaning out Torres ain’t that easy as it may sound, owing to his huge wages…


    Marko marin is purely technical player with great abilities of first touch control,dribbling,precise passing and great vision to create goals,but unfortunately he never got chance to prove in our club due to injury and some reasons,hope he plays huge role next season,we should not sell him.And i dont like comparing him to mata,hazard and oscar since all these are unique and great players but mata is our top player because of his adaptability,consistency and he is perfect in each and every aspect of game and gives cent percent when he is in field.

  3. He deserves another season here, Rafa preferred Yossi because he knows him more. Marin is a winger who can cause defenders problems with his dribbles, hopely Jose will see a need to keep him.

  4. KEEP HIM FOREVER(take a good look at wht happen to robben/matic, his now a world star) DONT TRY IT BOSS! gosh

  5. oh common he was never a great player..he was just a decent player..his best stats with bremen(when they had ozil playing alongside him) were just 7 goals and he is a winger playing in bundesliga!..julian draxler at 19 years old have already scored 15 goals..he was just not good enough…being technical is nothing if it doesn’t help you to score goals and make assists..look at ronaldo he was very very technical and as he become more mature you can see him becoming less technical and focus more on scoring and assisting goals..the main aim of football is scoring goals and not doing amazing things with the ball

  6. pertaub,i’d say am disappointed in your comment….how many games did torres play in his first and second season and how many goals did he score? don’t you guys believe in young players being given a chance?//so far as am concerned,we should buy a single player at alll….just imagine napoli asking for 63.50,45million for cavani… he worth that amount? is he messi or ronaldo? if napoli can’t accept 35million,they should go to hell…we at chelsea don’t beg to buy players…where is joshua Mc Eachran??? where is lucas piazon? why not bring back lukaku and give hima chance this coming season? if mc eachran is there,mata won’t have to play too much as to avoid fatigue…josh is a brilliant and creative midfielder,so is lucas piazon and the rest..these guys should be brought back and blended with mata,oscar,hazard and the rest now…..we shouldn’t wait for cech to start committing blunder before he starts sitting…courtois should come back and a new generation should be built from now so by the next 2-3 season,we’ll have a well organised and well known squad that understabds one another…chelsea for life

  7. #1chelseafan.

    You’ve said it all… Give him another full season and see the best of MARINE, i believe so much in this guy from the first day we started seeking to sign him.

  8. i love it , i think you right he is an excellent player , he needs chance to shows what he can do, i support marin

  9. Anonymous

    Marko is one that does not lose his abilities when left on the but he can give u the best when given a chance.

  10. Vaibhav Kumble

    He was our best player in pre season.. need I say more??

  11. Yea, marin is a good player, i love him from first day he was introduced during pre-season. and am very sure if he is given more xhance he can surpas rubben because he share something similar with rubben. UP BLUE….!

  12. Anonymous

    To me, Marko is atalented player and in that i see the need to keep him or either we loan him on the Epl side but do Not 2 sell!!!

  13. l really commend your intelect and your insight. Am sure Mourinho too will offer him time to proof himself during pre-season. As you have said, he can still become a hit and If he is no more a Chelsea player that will be a great disappointment.

  14. Anonymous

    marko stays,,i believe he’ll expode if given d chance.

  15. Anonymous

    he looked good in pre-season but injuries didn’t help him nor did the fact that we bought hazard and oscar his playing time will be limited tho because KDB is back, we have victor moses and we bought schurrle so that is 7 players who play in those positions it will be tough for him to get regular play.

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