Match Report: Chelsea 8-0 Villa


Chelsea grabbed a much-needed 3 points with a 8-0 drubbing of Aston Villa. The match was ridiculously one-sided and saw 7 Chelsea players get on the score-sheet.

First half

Chelsea took the lead in the 2nd minute of the game. Azpilicueta received the ball on the right wing and crossed to Torres whose powerful header was enough to beat Guzan. The match ebbed and flowed after the goal with both sides unable to establish their dominance. That changed in the 30th minute when Chelsea won a free-kick. Luiz stepped up to take and duly converted. Barely 4 minutes later and Chelsea had a third goal, Ivanovic scoring from a corner. The first half ended 3-0, with Chelsea well and truly in control.

Second half

It  only got worse for Aston Villa in the 2nd half. Good interplay between Torres and Moses saw Mata get a shot off that was saved. Chelsea kept attacking and a pass from Mata found Lampard, who volleyed home superbly from 20 yards out. 4-0. That was to be his last contribution as Ramires replaced him. Oscar also came on for Torres. Oscar had a shot from close range but it went wide. Mata then came off and Piazon was handed his Premier League debut. Barely a minute later a superb pass from Piazon released Ramires who made it 5-0. Oscar managed to win a penalty a few minutes later and stepped up to take it, duly dispatching it. 6-0. Chelsea were enjoying themselves, and Hazard managed to get on the score-sheet too with a superb solo effort that saw him come in from the left wing to shoot. 7-0, 7 different scorers. Piazon won a penalty and took it, but the shot was saved by Guzan. However, Chelsea made it 8-0 after a pass from Piazon inside the box was met by Ramires who scores his 2nd goal of the night. Chelsea deserved winners, and it’s safe to say that Aston Villa will have a “Blue” Christmas (see what I did there?).

Check out Andre Saad’s review of the game on youtube !

