Match Report: Manchester United 0-1 Chelsea

A fierce,passionate,aggressive final ten minutes of the match implied that it was the World Cup Final that was at stake. However Mata’s goal sparked a bright light in a extremely depart match which saw the blues leap into third place.

Without a shadow of a doubt it was a dominant opening from the blues with the freshness of Demba Ba a contributing factor in our attacks. Chelsea enjoyed the majority of possesiowhich enabled them to create chances. The first of which fell to Demba Ba, David Luiz’s free-kick was flapped by Linderggard and the ball fell kindly to Ba. Unfortunately he could only swing and miss and the chance was gone.

10 minutes later Chelsea were nearly 1-0 up when Oscar produced a moment of individual brilliance. The Brazilian won the ball just outside his own box and he ventured on a menacing run. After running nearly the whole length of the pitch he unleashed a low shot which was turned onto the post by the worried Linderggard.

After that there was a period of comfort for the blues with them dominating the share of possession. The game was re-vived on the 41st minute when a flurry of chances were made. First was made by Luix, he tried to repeat his wonders of midweek by unleashing a magic shot which dragged slightly wide of the goal.

The next fell to RVP who tried to innovatively guide Giggs’ fantastic ball goal words with the outside of his boot, however the ball sailed just wide of the post. Minutes later RVP and Giggs were involved again. This time it was the Flying Dutchman who was the supplier who played a cross forwards the rushing Welshman. Giggs managed to get a good connection with the ball but to his disappointment the ball flew over the bar. 0-0 at half time.

For the majority of the second half the game was a quite affair with neither sides’s opposing any real threat. Despite the introduction of Wayne Rooney, Alex Butnner and Fernando Torres there game was still like a testimonial with the game lacking passion and fire.

We had to wait until the 78th minute until we witnessed a decent opening. Lampard dinked a ball forwards the far post where the rushing Mata came agonizingly close to put Chelsea 1-0 up.

Two minutes later it was United’s turn to attack. Rafael attacked down the right-wing, beating Ashley Cole on his way into the box. All that was required from him was to produce a relatively easy pass to RVP and Fergie would be all smiles however he hit his pass into Ivanovic and fortunately the ball went out of play.

The 85th minute ignited a spell full of passion,fury and heart. It all kicked off when David Luiz fiercely argued a decision that went against him. It was clear to see the ball went out off Giggs despite this the ball was given to United and David Luiz’s passion was present. He certainly tested Webb’s resolve however he showed a credentials of a passionate man who took pride in his club. I’m sure this incident brought a smile to you’re faces in a dran match and it added some life into Chelsea’s team.

Then on the 87th minute every single Chelsea fan spread across the joy leaped up with jubilation when Mata scored. Both sides were culprits of over-playing at times and it looked like the blues did the same thing when counter-attacking. Ramires won the ball from Rooney and ran down the pitch, eventually after a couple of passes and interchanged the ball found itself at the feet of a magician who guided the ball goal words and guided the blues into third place.

If you think the game would then die down you’re wrong. Rafael stupidly was aggressively kicking Luiz’s foot he was all over the Brazilian if truth be told. And when Luiz beat him with a cheeky samba back heel, Rafael lost his nut. He kicked Luiz on the top of his leg and Webb had no choice but to send him off.

So the blues go into the match against Spurs sitting in a third place. Let me know you’re thoughts on the game. KTBFFH!


12 thoughts on “Match Report: Manchester United 0-1 Chelsea


    It was a good game for Chelsea.They played very well and deserved the 3points.

  2. vaakmeisster

    what I learnt from this match
    1. Howard Webb is a moron
    2. David Luiz is a future Chelsea captain
    3. David Luiz is mischievous
    4. We need to change our attacking style because we find it a bit difficult to score
    5. Sherry Philips writes the “what we learn’t” blog too slowly

  3. Anonymous

    Whoever wrote this is an idiot. Demba Ba did nothing in the attack. We should have started Torres. ….not exactly news, but we really need another striker.

  4. This report is really one-sided. Change your reporting style, be neutral, its more interesting to read that way.

    • You’re on not No one here’s neutral.

      • Not at all boring. I’m glad you are fianlly able to write this out, and work through some of the feelings that have been hidden. I can not even imagine what it would have been like to be in New York but I can feel the terror and panic and uncertainty pouring out in these phone calls.

      • That’s an apt answer to an interesting question

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    • Usually 6 weeks is given to allow for healing. I did have a feirnd (18 at the time) who only took one week off before returning to work. She required a doctor’s clearance though to return this early. Usually after vaginal births the mother is released from the hospital between 1-3 days if no complications. For a C-section between 4-7 days.

    • Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate

    • Cook and eat healthy balnaced meals. Eat at home more often. First let me just tell you that skipping meals or not eating much doesn’t make you loose weight. You want to loose weight in a moderate fashion so that your body doesn’t gain all the weight back when you begin to eat normally. Drink lots of water; Eat every 2-2.5 hours, small meals, 5-7 times A day. This speeds up your metabolism. Reduce your caloric intake to *1,200 cals a day your total fat grams to less than 35 grams. Some people even eat at their rmr level which ill provide for ya (links below).a0What you should do is WALK; it is better than running. If you do run, jog on the treadmill with no incline. A thin person is this way because it is 90% of what we eat and 10% workout. Choose as well if you want to work out eat or eat less or a combo. But remember to choose Which one will work for you and if you do decide to not workout then view the links I will provide to eat the necessary requirements the body needs. Anyway, w/ cardio, like a stationary bike, the belly is sweating and a0burning fat and those thighs are slimming down b/c you are sweating all over-Not a lot of people know that walking, the bike, elliptical, etc. burns fat around the mid section and around the thighs. If you’re into sit ups, you should try to do 3 sets of 10 on a mat. If you’re not familiar with sit ups, just ask personal trainers at a gym. You can just walk in ask! ALSO IMPORTANT: Do not use incline with bike, treadmill, elliptical etc. ok? -because your thighs will get bigger. If you already have bigger thigh Muscles they will continue to maintain the bigness or increase in size. But hey, if you want to burn fat And GAIN A LITTLE MUSCLE TOO then try a little resistance! Cardio helps your heart and with depression so yay for cardio! It works well for people too who are getting rid of that little bit of fat thats stubborn and or people trying to become tone and tight. Tapes of Cardio Burning or fat burning worka0too Or Buying a treadmill or bike so that this will always be available for you. Try to cut down on red meat. Red meat takes so long to digest which make you weigh more on scale than you should. I’m not trying to promote becoming a vegetarian, but giving this a try helps w/ swifter . Drinking lots of tea like white, chamomile, and green will help too. Sugarless gum curbs hunger and from overeating. Having a high protein diet is ideal in loosing fat, keeping lean muscles because usually the more protein is in a food-there less calories from fat bad fat (trans fat and saturated fat). I eat lots of beans( Pinto, kidney-RAW; never in can(but that is just my choice-if you wanted canned its NO PROBLEM). No sugar applesauce is a great snack-find it in jar form or mini cases. Try Quinoa or flaxseeds or something nutty texture like Oatmeal-old fashioned rolled oat too, you can find Quinoa in your grain, beans, or nut aisles. You can sprinkle these foods on all veggies salads. I also eat lots of salad w/ tomatoes and carrots! Eat salad with no dressing too or dressing that has 50 calories per 2 tablespoons. Try Bear Naked products-particularly Bear Naked’s Fit, Vanilla Almond Crunch and Bear Naked’s Fit Triple Berry Crunch. The entire kosher aisle has many products to munch on like Matzos. I like the 100-110 calories per cracker. Try Edamame (soy beans) too! Tons of protein! (Veggie section even though it’s a bean loll)-get the non gmo kind. Dairy: well cheese-I’d suggest you go for yogurt over cheese and id cut back off the cheese for awhile because of the high saturated fat which is fat that is difficult for the body to break down thus causing unnecessary places for fat to sit on body because it doesn’t know how to appropriately break it down. Try a yogurt called Fage 0 or Chobani yogurt. ALL vegetables are fun and easy to cook-broccoli, asparagus, yams, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower-and you can do whatever you want with it (boil, steam, roast, stir fry, baked etc.) Try having all of your meals with colors of vegetables. For example, if you make grilled chicken then make sure there are tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and or carrots on that plate! Oh hey, when you are buying bread or other food products if the label doesn’t say 100% whole wheat then chances are that it is not whole wheat. Make sure you get the 100% whole wheat ones (it will say “WHOLE” wheat as its first ingredient) on foods and carbohydrates aka grains. There is also absolutely no sugar in Matzos btw (sugar if not burned turns into fat). I bake Matzos for about 2 minutes and then break them up into squares so it looks like chips! Oh, did I mention they are extremely delicious!? Miso soups and brown rice are great too and cut back or limit your refined foods. Hope I helped!

  5. Anonymous

    First genuine chance we got was when mata selflessly crossed the ball to demba ba instead of shooting to the top left corner(his specialty) and ba just didnt get a proper touch in to score in the 3rd minute of the game.

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