No Need For Blues To Strengthen


Chelsea’s start to the Premier League season has been nothing less than outstanding. In every department Jose Mourinho’s machine seems to be functioning well. That is right from having two of the best goalkeepers in the world battling it out for the number one jersey, to having Cesc Fabregas on target to beat the Premier League record for assists and Diego Costa competing to finish top scorer in his first season in England. On the face of it there is little need for Chelsea to strengthen their squad in January, but, if Mourinho does opt to spend, then blues will keep you right up to date with developments and other betting news.

Psychological Edge

The only arguments that I could see for investing in January would be psychological. By not adding to his already stellar squad would Mourinho be giving the signal to his players and the club’s supporters that he was satisfied? Such a signal would risk complacency setting in to the Stamford Bridge ranks and could, potentially, see the chance of an unprecedented quadruple go to waste. By buying another big name or two Mourinho could remind his star men that they still have to fight for their place and that, despite their start to the season, they haven’t won anything yet. A couple of transfer window buys for Chelsea could also further dent the confidence of the Blues’ title rivals. Already difficult to beat, despite the shock against Spurs, could Chelsea get even better if they invested further?

The Formula is Working

Despite the potential psychological edge that Chelsea could gain by spending in January, I can’t see Mourinho dipping his hand in his pocket. By opting not to spend, the manager would send a signal to his players that he was confident in their ability and that he was sure that he already had enough quality in his squad to win the Premier League. Also, by standing by his current crop of players, Mourinho would avoid the risk of disruption and would avoid the risk of unsettling his star names. The current Stamford Bridge formula is working. It is hard to see how any additions to the Chelsea squad could improve their chances on the field, so why look to make changes now?


4 thoughts on “No Need For Blues To Strengthen

  1. Shingirai Samu

    Personally I think Mou has to strengthen his team. The team needs super subs and not averages player to be on the bench. We need substutes who can change the game when they come in. Salah and Shurrule are averaged players though Shurrule is better than Salah. I think it would be wise to go for Marco Rues and let Salah go, if he(Rues) will setle in the team quickly he will be a good addition.

  2. For a club to be successful it will have to strengthen in areas where the level of a certain benchmark production seem weaker than other positions in a system. Mourinho used the term Evolution very well last season.

    You mentioned complacency. Look back at Ivanovic’s errors against Spurs where he overly committed himself into challenges which in turn put the back line under pressure. He was too comfortable in his abilities which lead to his weaknesses being exposed,like his speed and recovery time. I’m not saying his position need a new player,it just seems that players are too comfortable with their decision making,like they are invincible.

    Tactically we do need more effective players from the bench because in my opinion,our first choice sub seems to be Drogba. A 36 year old veteran striker. That’s not good enough. In matches where we trail,we lack competent players on the bench who will guarantee you a game changer tactical move. In midfield,we only have Mikel for closing out a game. Ramires adds energy and I wanted him subbed on during this season at times but still he can only give us that running energy. Combine his energy with a player who can anticipate a pass faster and turn it into attack in an instant. Moussa Sissoko might not seem like a player who will make a difference in our squad to some but this guy brings you energy and a decent attacking sense but most importantly strength when we need to apply extra pressure during losing games. With only Fabregas and Matic in midfield in losing games,we only have one wall to retain possession on the ground and in the air when the opposition clear. For some teams we are too light weighted and we can improve it during a game. Spurs loved it only because they had more strength. Mikel can attack here in Africa during international games but at the footballing level of Chelsea,he just isn’t quick enough to create better attacking positions for himself.

    Subbing on a direct striker will diminish your chances of actually creating more goals with pressing possession using your numbers in midfield. Creating point man attacks have a lesser win percentage. To be successful in modern games,all teams need a confident and hard working midfield who can and will create chances for usual scorers,not hopeful long balls which can lead to loss of possession.

    My point is,we need a midfielder who can change the look of a losing game to increase our chances of shots on goal.

    I apologise for getting carried away…I just love this game! Cheers.

  3. i hav got tired of fans criticizing our backline just 4 d spurs game,wen d failure startd from midfield.daz a match dat jose should’ve gone wit matic\mikel wit cesc takn d #10 spot.d cesc,matic & willian were d reason we lost dat game,b\cos deir tirednes made way 4 spurs 2 pile up presur on our backlin.4 me d only area we need strengtnin is d right wing.d only player dat fits dat is marcos reus,but can we get him?

  4. Smith Sika

    I Fink We Need Another Winger 2 Replace Shurrle If He Z Goin…And ir Should Be Marco Reus

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