Pre-Match Conference: Jose speaks to press


José spoke to press yesterday at Cobham.

Question: Can your team repeat the 6-0 humiliation?

José: ‘6-0 happens every 50 years, occasionally. What happens in the past is the past. It’s a difficult match against a good team.’

Question: Cesc is facing his old team, what can you say?

José: ‘Cesc is a Chelsea player and he’s been phenomenal for us in every game, no exception. I couldn’t be happier.’

Question: What can you say about the match?

José: ‘I like to play against the best, so do my players. When you play big matches you know the players are more than ready.’

‘Their approach doesn’t matter, they will always be a difficult opponent.’.

That’s all from José!
Read also: Wenger – Cesc deserves Respect
