Rio Ferdinand lands fresh blow to John Terry over old racism claims

The anger of the Ferdinands towards John Terry is not a new story to any Chelsea fans. There was always a club level stress being on the other sides of two of the fiercest rivals in English football, and Rio Ferdinand also eyed the captaincy that Chelsea skipper John Terry was offered in his England days, further straining his relation with John. And many might point out to this when Rio Ferdinand opted to freshly reopen wounds that should have been long forgotten.

Anton and John had a stressed club rivalry even after being paired internationally for England

Rio came out on the defence of his younger brother ‘Anton’ who claimed that he was racially abused by John Terry, to which the court found John to be innocent. However, the English FA wasn’t satisfied with the decision of the court and decided that John had to be punished. He was publicly demanded to put his arm band down, which the then England manager Fabio Capello didn’t approve of. Fabio stood by his captain and tried his best to help him retain the arm band, the failure of which forced him to resign from the managerial position, only to be replaced by Roy Hodgson. John Terry soon retired internationally after realizing he had lost the trust of the English faithful.

And after everything seemed to calm back to normality, Rio Ferdinand landed fresh blows recently in his autobiography where he openly branded the Chelsea captain as ‘stupid’.

Read what he had to say about the matter:

“For me, the biggest idiot will always be John Terry. As England captain and my centre-back partner he could have saved everyone a lot of pain by admitting immediately he used the word in the heat of the moment, but was no racist.”

“I think that’s probably what happened and what the truth is. Anton and I would’ve accepted that – instead he never gave us a chance.

“I’ve never actually spoken to John about the case. I no longer talk to him, but even three years later I find it impossible to forgive or forget the pain he put us through.”

He further wrote how the incident damaged his relation with Ashley Cole, who he felt had betrayed his trust.

Rio claims he was betrayed by his long time friend Ashley Cole the moment he decided to stand up for John Terry
Rio claims he was betrayed by his long time friend Ashley Cole the moment he decided to stand up for John Terry

“Ashley Cole had long been a friend of mine. We’ve known each other since we were kids,” he continued.

“But for me it ended the day he decided to go to court in support of John Terry.

“Anton rang me and my head nearly blew off. He was betraying Anton, who he’d also known for years.”

What do you think about these open statements from Rio Ferdinand? Do you agree with him and would have wanted John to admit his mistake and apologize. Do let me know of your views in the comments section below. 

Follow me @TusharL7


8 thoughts on “Rio Ferdinand lands fresh blow to John Terry over old racism claims

  1. no point admitting it cos bygone is bygone…..

  2. Fred Bahati

    I thing rio him self is stupit, am useing same words he used on terry coz if he’s grown up he would have focused on other things. but that won’t stop john from performing at chelsea.

  3. stephen tawiah

    we the blues fans should forgive rio of his words toward terry

  4. Oluwanbebitatijo

    Rio to me is the most STUPID and IDIOT human being on earth.
    Court found JT not guilty, yet, FA punished him which lead to resignation of Fabio Capelo.
    What else does he (Rio) want?
    Does he want Terry to commit suicide or wants him to leave England?
    Who cares if he doesn’t speak to JT!
    So, he hates Ashley simply because Ashley came to say what he heard.
    Whoever knows Rio should advise him to forget it or he dies with it and go to hell.

  5. Rio should put this behind him

  6. john should admait d mistake and ask 4 forgiveness

  7. ilo fidelis

    Dear Rio,your brother told you something and Ashley told the court what he heard,Are you saying that Ashley to be or remain your friend should say he heard JT abuse anton racially?.I will advise you not to let mere words(even if there was any)to make you a hateful person towards another(terry in this case).Hate is what makes the world got to move on and sttop this childish talk of the past,Let it go.It has been dealt with.After all JT Left the 3lions because of this scandal,you want him to go to prison again for it?.you are not the only black man who has been racially abused and yours,as you claim,isn’t even worse,i have been abused racially but the likes of you gives momentum to racial abuse when you react like”I cant forget what he said to me,subs,he called me a nigga’.So what!.Yeah,you are a nigga who is doing better than most white men,be proud of that and encourage others of our race to see racist remarks as words from stupid and ignorant people,stop aiding racism and move on!.

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