Robbie Di Matteo still on Chelsea’s payroll


Former Chelsea manager and club legend Roberto Di Matteo is still receiving paychecks from Chelsea. Robbie was sacked just five months after winning the Champions League and the FA Cup by Roman Abramovich after no settlement could be reached.

RDM was a fan favorite and the decision didn’t go down too well with the fanbase especially taking into account who took his place, the infamous Benitez. Although Rafa did a fine job with Chelsea last season RDM is the one who will live on in the hearts of Chelsea fans as the one who handed them the Holy Grail in the form of the Champions League crown.

According to reports Robbie is still on Chelsea’s payroll with the blues paying him £130,000 per week and is thought to have banked over 7 million pounds in compensation and is due to be paid the current salary until next June.

Since taking over the reins at Stamford Bridge in 2003 Roman Abramovich has paid over £37 million in compensation to managers he sacked.

Does Robbie deserve the compensation on is it too much for the sacking? Leave your comments below and let us know.


16 thoughts on “Robbie Di Matteo still on Chelsea’s payroll

  1. […] Robbie Di Matteo still on Chelsea’s payroll […]

  2. He deserves every penny


  4. Anonymous

    He deserves even more


    He deserves it! Irrelevant to money he is always in CFC fans heart and gave club a memory of champions league glory in difficult circumstances with unsettled team. RDM is always blues legend!

  6. HE DESERVE IT!! He is simply Blessed

  7. RDM

  8. anyakee john

    For sure he deserve it

  9. He transformed cfc into a team that plays beautiful footie but wasn’t given enough time cos’ of fans’ and abromovich’s impatience. After him was benitez with his pretty brand of footie yet some fans refuse to forgive him and made his brief stint a hostile one… now I guess we prefer this boring footie that mourinho offers right?

  10. Eric J. Alderson

    He deserve every penny of it, and even more. Mr Abramovich should be ashamed of himself about the way he behaved towards the one who gave the club its first Champions League trophy. Still Roberto will remain forever as the one who made our dreams come true !

  11. Chelsea were playing beautiful in his time not this boring soak and attack football brand. Missed you RDM.

  12. Ola adelanwa


  13. Shingie Samu

    Let him be paid it is written on his contract form

    Samu Shingirai———- Sent via Nokia Email

  14. Alla P. Gregory

    He deserves every penny! Dammed! He’s the one who took the Blues to the Big Times; FA Cup Champion League Trophy et al!!

  15. roberto di matteo is classic.true blues will always celebrate u,but jose fans wil always witchhunt him because he deserves it more than everyother glory hunting managers.

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