The Special One


Undoubtedly, this title has warmed up Chelsea fans’ hearts a little and has made them believe. Yes, it comes from sources like Daily Mail, The Sun, etc. but times have been so bad for us recently that we can’t help believing that The Special One will be back to Chelsea at the end of the season.

Will Roman swallow his pride? Will he finally see that Jose is probably the best option out there for Chelsea? Will he finally give up on his FIFA-esque dreams that the team must win every single game and every single trophy and give the Man in Charge some time?

The answer to those questions is the same: ‘God, I hope so!’.

There is no doubt that the majority of Chelsea fans want Jose as their permanent manager for the second time in his career. And who can blame us for that? 185 games in charge, 124 wins, 40 draws, 21 losses ; 330 goals scored, 119 conceded…it’s safe to say Jose really is The Special One. We haven’t had a team as successful as Jose’s since Carlo’s 2009/10 season when we won The Double. It was pure chemistry. And imagine what a genius like Jose can do with a team with Mata, Hazard, Oscar, Ba, Lukaku, Courtois, de Bruyne, etc…Jose would just need some freedom and some distance from the board. Otherwise, it can’t work out. As soon as Roman & the board give the right manager for us (in my opinion, the right man is the one I’m writing this article about) time & freedom, Chelsea will again become everybody’s worse nightmare. We can become unstoppable. We can return to our previous looks when ManUtd, Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Barcelona, EVERYBODY was afraid to face us. We can again beat ManUtd, Arsenal, Liverpool TWICE a season – on the Bridge, and on their stadium. Add Man City who gave us a helluva lot of headache back in 2009/10 – they were the only ones who, surprisingly (for me and a lot of people), were able to beat us TWICE back then in that amazing season. How did they do it is still beyond me.

But now, and by ‘now’ I mean in a universe where in the summer we’ll get Jose back, we can become unstoppable again. Only he can save us from that nightmare Benitez has been dragging us into.

Do we want to become Inter? 3rd year they’re facing difficulties after Benitez’s reign of terror. They recently lost to Siena 3-1, they sold Sneijder without hesitating, they’re the Italian Arsenal or maybe worse. If we do – fine then, don’t bring Jose back, give Benitez a permanent deal and show Chelsea fans the middle finger after you’ve taken a massive shit in our mouths. That’d be fantastic, gentlemen Buck, Emenalo, Gourlay, Abramovich.


Anyway, till the end of the season the only thing left for us to do is to believe that Jose will come back home. And keep praying that under Benitez we will somehow end up in Top 4. Because a manager like Benitez is making us wish AVB was still our manager…his ideas were bright, futuristic…

Enough dreaming…time for believing. Time for keeping the fate in our team and hoping we could steal the 3rd/4th place. Because let’s face it – Jose will want CL football.

Until then – goodbye and Keep The Blue Flag Flying High!



3 thoughts on “The Special One

  1. Vaibhav Kumble

    Jose will come even if we do not plsy vhampd league next season. Jose loves Chelsea like we all do. kTBFFH.

  2. Anonymous

    we hope so

  3. Anonymous

    inter were destroyed by mou not by benitez. he came to a dead team. he isn’t doing well with chelsea and he’s never gonna be our manager but jose causes problems more than most managers and who knows if he’s gonna fight with the board again. we need someone with more of a long term thinking. like what we had in ancceloti(personally,i think he was our best manager and not mou)we need someone who would actually use our young army. we have two dosens of players on loan. almost all of them are under 23. we need someone who can capitalize on that. Laurent Blanc or Didier Deschamps are great but blanc is very hard to get. laudrup is always and option and moyes if everyone is out of reach(considering we’re 0% able to sign kloop and simione)
    i just don’t want jose. i don’t like his football

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